This repository contains rails code for the new version of EOL (TRAMEA).
These instructions are very much out of date and are likely incomplete. If you happen to need to go through this process again, please help us update it!
I would skip installing MySQL, Neo4j, ElasticSearch, or Redis. Just use the docker containers for those things.
brew update && brew upgrade ruby-build
brew install openssl
brew install michael-simons/homebrew-seabolt/seabolt
brew install node yarn
You may have to do this (I did) if you are coming from an older verison of gem:
gem sources -r
gem sources -r
gem sources -a
You may just want tp update bundler, but I (perhaps stupidly) uninstalled it,
then gem install bundler
Then, install rvm using whatever method they ask you to, it changes. :\
Make sure you have sourced your bash profile and cd'ed to the project directory, then:
rvm install <whatever version of Ruby is in .ruby-version>
cd .
- Install RVM
- use RVM to install the correct version of ruby (in root .ruby-version file)
- update bundler to whatever version is in the Gemfile.lock
- update apt-get
- install nodejs with apt-get
- run
- compile and install seabolt, following the commands in Dockerfile.eol_seabolt_rails
...That's pretty much it, assuming you run everything else in containers!
There is various additional information about the project in the doc/ folder.