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Omni ↦ Data (Steerable Datasets)

A Scalable Pipeline for Making Multi-Task Mid-Level Vision Datasets from 3D Scans

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Omnidata Annotator

The repository contains the dockerized Omnidata annotator pipeline introduced in the following paper: Omnidata: A Scalable Pipeline for Making Multi-Task Mid-Level Vision Datasets from 3D Scans (ICCV2021)

Table of Contents


The Omnidata annotator is a pipeline to bridge the gap between 3D scans and static vision datasets by creating "steerable" multi-task datasets with 21 different mid-level cues from 3D meshes. It generates the data with as many images and cameras as desired to cover the space. The rendering pipeline offers complete control over the sampling and generation process, and different dataset design choices such as camera parameters. 13 of the 21 mid-level cues are listed below:

RGB (8-bit)              Surface Normals (8-bit)     Principal Curvature (8-bit)
Re(shading) (8-bit)      Depth Z-Buffer (16-bit)     Depth Euclidean (16-bit)
Texture Edges (16-bit)   Occlusion Edges (16-bit)    Keypoints 2D (16-bit)
Keypoints 3D (16-bit)    2D Segmentation (8-bit)     2.5D Segmentation (8-bit)
Semantic Segmentation (8-bit)


We provide a docker that contains the code for the annotator and all the necessary libraries and softwares.

  1. Clone the Repo:
git clone
  1. Run the Docker and mount the directories containing the code and your 3D model in the container:
docker pull ainaz99/omnidata-annotator:latest
docker run -ti --rm -v PATH_TO_ANNOTATOR:/annotator -v PATH_TO_3D_MODEL:/model ainaz99/omnidata-annotator:latest

The code for the annotator and the 3D model are now available in the docker under the directories /annotator and /model respectively. All the necessary libraries and softwares are already installed in the docker. Now, the model can be processed with a single line of bash inside the container.

Quickstart (run demo)

We now run the pipeline on a sample 3D mesh from the Habitat-Matterport 3D datast. You can download it from here. After running the docker container, the mesh will be available under the /model directory. By running the following command you can generate a small sample dataset with 12 mid-level cues per each image. (Estimated run time: up to 10 minutes)

cd /annotator
- RGB:
- Surface Normals:
- Depth Zbuffer:
- Reshading:
- Texture Edges:
- 3D Keypoints:
- 2.5D Segmentation:


Now we provide a brief documentation on how to run the the pipeline for each of the tasks.

Surface Normals Euclidean Depth Semantics

To generate a specific mid-level cue with the Omnidata annotator, use a single command in the format below:

cd /annotator
./ --model_path=/model --task=$TASK with {$SETTING=$VALUE}*

The --model_path tag specifies the path to the folder containing the mesh, where the data from all other mid-level cues will be saved, and the --task tag specifies the target mid-level cue. You can specify different setting values for each task in the command. The list of all settings defined for different mid-level cues is found in scripts/

The final folder structure will be as follows:

│   mesh.ply
│   mesh_semantic.ply
│   texture.png
│   camera_poses.json   
└─── point_info
└─── rgb
└─── normals
└─── depth_zbuffer
│   ...
└─── pano
│   └─── point_info
│   └─── rgb
│   └─── normal
│   └─── depth_euclidean

Now, we run the annotator for different tasks.

#f03c15 Wide-Baseline Multi-View:

The first method of view sampling generates static images by saving fixated views of the points-of-interest.

1. Camera and Point-of-Interest Sampling:

Camera poses can be provided by a json file (if the mesh comes with aligned RGB), or you can generate dense camera locations using the pipeline with Poisson Disc Sampling. Points-of-interest are then sampled from the mesh subject to multi-view constraints.

Read camera poses from json file:

The following command samples 20 points-of-interest using the camera poses defined in camera_poses_original.json.

./ --model_path=/model --task=points \
   with GENERATE_CAMERAS=False CAMERA_POSE_FILE=camera_poses_original.json \

In order to read the camera poses from the json file, you should specify GENERATE_CAMERAS=False. This json file should contain location and quaternion rotation (wxyz) for a list of cameras. Below, you can see how this information should be saved for each camera.

    "camera_id": "0000",
    "location": [0.2146, 1.2829, 0.2003],
    "rotation_quaternion": [0.0144, -0.0100, -0.0001,-0.9998]

You can specify the type of generated points. POINT_TYPE=CORRESPONDENCES is used for generating fixated views of the points. Switch to POINT_TYPE=SWEEP in case you want to generate panoramas.

Sample dense camera poses:

You can sample new camera poses before sampling the points-of-interest using GENERATE_CAMERAS=True. There are 2 ways of generating the camera poses depending on wether the mesh is a scene (like in Replica) or is an object (Google Scanned Objects).

Sample camera poses inside a scene:

In this case, you have to specify SCENE=True.

./ --model_path=/model --task=points \
   with GENERATE_CAMERAS=True     SCENE=True \

Camera locations are sampled inside the mesh using Poisson Disc Sampling to cover the space. Minimum distance between cameras is specified by MIN_CAMERA_DISTANCE. MIN_CAMERA_DISTANCE_TO_MESH defines the minimum distance of each camera to the closest point of the mesh. Camera yaw is sampled uniformly in [-180°, 180°], camera roll comes from a truncated normal distribution in [-MAX_CAMERA_ROLL, MAX_CAMERA_ROLL], and camera pitch will be specified automatically when fixating the camera on a point-of-interest. More camera settings such as MIN_CAMERA_HEIGHT, MAX_CAMERA_HEIGHT, etc. are defined in You can specify the number of generated points either by NUM_POINTS or NUM_POINTS_PER_CAMERA. In case we have NUM_POINTS=None, the number of generated points will be NUM_POINTS_PER_CAMERA * number of cameras.

Generate camera poses for an object:

If the mesh is an object you have to specify SCENE=False. In this case, camera locations will be sampled on a sphere surrounding the mesh. SPHERE_SCALING_FACTOR will specify the scaling factor of this sphere relative to the smallest bounding sphere of the mesh. You can specify the number of generated cameras by NUM_CAMERAS. Camera rotations will be sampled the same as above.

./ --model_path=/model --task=points \
  with GENERATE_CAMERAS=True    SCENE=False \
       NUM_CAMERAS=12           MAX_CAMERA_ROLL=10 \

2. RGB:

RGB images can be generated if textures are provided as obj + mtl files. You should use mesh.obj instead of the ply file. Make sure to set the correct OBJ_AXIS_FORWARD and OBJ_AXIS_UP to be consistent with mesh.ply. Notice that you should specify the value for RGB_MODEL_FILE instead of MODEL_FILE which is used for other tasks.

./ --model_path=/model --task=rgb \
    with RGB_MODEL_FILE=mesh.obj  CREATE_FIXATED=True \

3. Surface Normals:

In order to generate surface normal images simply run:

./ --model_path=/model --task=normal \
    with MODEL_FILE=mesh.ply  CREATE_FIXATED=True

This will generate fixated views.

Replica Clevr Google Objects Replica+GSO BlendedMVG

In case you want to generate panoramas switch to CREATE_FIXATED=False and CREATE_PANOS=True:

./ --model_path=/model --task=normal \
- HM3D Output:

4. Depth ZBuffer:

To generate depth zbuffer images :

./ --model_path=/model --task=depth_zbuffer \

ZBuffer depth is defined as the distance to the camera plane. The depth sensitivity is specified by the maximum depth in meters. With 16-bit images and DEPTH_ZBUFFER_MAX_DISTANCE_METERS equal to 16m, the depth sensitivity will be 16 / 2^16 = 1/4096 meters. Pixels with maximum depth value (2^16) indicate the invalid parts of the image (such as mesh holes). You can create masks indicating the valid parts of each image after generating depth Zbuffer images using the following command (these masks are shown in the 3rd row of the table below):

./ --model_path=/model --task=mask_valid 
Replica Google Objects Hypersim BlendedMVG

5. Depth Euclidean:

To generate depth euclidean images :

./ --model_path=/model --task=depth_euclidean \

Euclidean depth is measured as the distance from each pixel to the camera’s optical center. You can specify depth sensitivity the same as depth Zbuffer.

Taskonomy Clevr BlendedMVG

6. Re(shading):

To generate reshading images :

./ --model_path=/model --task=reshading \
    with MODEL_FILE=mesh.ply  LAMP_ENERGY=2.5
Taskonomy Google Objects Hypersim

7. Principal Curvature:

To generate principal curvature run:

./ --model_path=/model --task=curvature with MIN_CURVATURE_RADIUS=0.03
Taskonomy Replica
- HM3D Output:

Not working for HM3D meshes!

8. Keypoints 2D:

2D keypoints are generated from corresponding RGB images for each point and view. You can generate 2D keypoint images using the command below :

./ --model_path=/model --task=keypoints2d

9. Keypoints 3D:

3D keypoints are similar to 2D keypoints except that they are derived from 3D data. Therefore you have to generate depth_zbuffer images before generating 3D keypoints. To generate 3D keypoint images use the command below:

./ --model_path=/model --task=keypoints3d \

KEYPOINT_SUPPORT_SIZE specifies the diameter of the sphere around each 3D point that is used to decide if the point should be a keypoint. 0.3 meters is suggested for indoor spaces.

Replica Clevr Hypersim BlendedMVG

10. Texture Edges:

Texture(2D) Edges are computed from corresponding RGB images using Canny edge detection algorithm. To generate 2D edges:

./ --model_path=/model --task=edge2d \

CANNY_RGB_BLUR_SIGMA specifies the sigma in Gaussian filter used in Canny edge detector.

Replica Clevr Replica+GSO

11. Occlusion Edges:

Occlusion(3D) Edges are derived from depth_zbuffer images, so you have to generate those first. To generate 3D edges :

./ --model_path=/model --task=edge3d
  with EDGE_3D_THRESH=None

12. 2D Segmentation:

2D Segmentation images are generated using Normalized Cut algorithm from corresponding RGB images:

./ --model_path=/model --task=segment2d \

13. 2.5D Segmentation:

2.5D Segmentation uses the same algorithm as 2D, but the labels are computed jointly from occlusion edges, depth zbuffer , and surface normals. 2.5D segmentation incorporates information about the scene geometry that is not directly present in the RGB image. To generate 2.5D segmentation images :

./ --model_path=/model --task=segment25d \

You can specify the weights for each of the occlusion edges, depth zbuffer, and surface normal images used in 2.5D segmentation algorithm by SEGMENTATION_25D_EDGE_WEIGHT, SEGMENTATION_25D_DEPTH_WEIGHT, and SEGMENTATION_25D_NORMAL_WEIGHT respectively.

Replica Google Objects Hypersim

14. Semantic Segmentation:

Semantic segmentation images can be generated similar to rgb from obj+mtl files. You can run the following command:

./ --model_path=/model --task=semantic \
  with SEMANTIC_MODEL_FILE=mesh_semantic.obj

Notice that you should specify the value for SEMANTIC_MODEL_FILE instead of MODEL_FILE which was used for other tasks.

Replica Taskonomy Replica+GSO Hypersim
- HM3D Output:

Habitat-Matterport doesn't include the semantic annotations.

#f03c15 Smooth Trajectory Sampling:

Videos can be generated by saving views along a path interpolated between a subset of cameras with fixated views of a point. Each generated trajectory corresponds to a single point.

- Camera and Point-of-Interest Sampling:

Camera poses can be provided or generated the same as before. To generate the points for smooth trajectory sampling run the following command:

./ --model_path=/model --task=points_trajectory \

Camera FOV should stay the same along the trajectory. Make sure to have FIELD_OF_VIEW_MAX_RADS=FIELD_OF_VIEW_MIN_RADS and MIN_VIEWS_PER_POINT>1.

- Other tasks:

You can generate the rest of the mid-level tasks for each video frame the same as before with CREATE_TRAJECTORY=True. For example:

./ --model_path=/model --task=normal with CREATE_TRAJECTORY=True

You can run the following command to generate a video from the frames for a specific task (e.g. normal) and point (e.e. 5).

ffmpeg -y -framerate 22 -pattern_type glob \
    -i "/model/{$TASK}/point_{$POINT}_*.png" \
    -c:v libx264 -crf 17  -pix_fmt yuv420p "/model/point_{$POINT}_{$TASK}.mp4";
- HM3D Output:


If you use the annotator, please cite our paper:

  title={Omnidata: A Scalable Pipeline for Making Multi-Task Mid-Level Vision Datasets From 3D Scans},
  author={Eftekhar, Ainaz and Sax, Alexander and Bachmann, Roman and Malik, Jitendra and Zamir, Amir},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},


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