- Getting Started with Ubuntu
- Install Ubuntu 16.04
- Install VS code, Google Chrome
- Install git
- Install pip, pip3, link pip3 with python3
- Login with your GitHub on VScode.
- Detect your Webcam from the terminal using V4L,
- Capture a selfie using the Terminal.
- Find out your IP address using Terminal
- Installing and Using Python
- Variables and Expressions
- Try and Except, Conditional Statements, Functions, Loops and IterationsData Structures, Strings, Files, Lists, Tuple, Dictionaries
- Object-Oriented Python
- Object-Oriented Definitions and Terminology
- Class and Object
- Object Life Cycle
- Object Inheritance
- Basic Structured Query Language
- Object-Oriented C++
- Object-Oriented Definitions and Terminology
- Class and Object
- Object Life Cycle
- Object Inheritance
- Hackerrank - C++
- You have to solve until Challenge 20, Abstract Classes - Polymorphism
- Write your program locally using your text editor and push to your GitHub repository, Learning101. At the end of the task, submit a pull request to ERA-IITK/learning101.
- Hackerrank -Python
- You have to solve from Challenge 9, Nested Lists until Challenge 27, Merge the Tools.
- Write your program locally using your text editor and push to your GitHub repository, Learning101. At the end of the task, submit a pull request to ERA-IITK/learning101.
- Fork learning101 from github.com/ERA-IITK. Add your respective codes along with a README.MD detailing the internal structure of your repository in a concise manner. (1 or 2 lines for each subfolder)
- On 15th March, send a pull request.
- Read the Rules Manual for RoboMaster AI challenge 2020
- What is an image?
- What is the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of an image?
- What is the difference between image processing and computer vision?
- Learn about various color-spaces and bit-wise operations in OpenCV and try to implement skin detection.
- Learn about contours in OpenCV and use the previously implemented skin detection with contours.
- Read and practice Chapter 1 (except PCA) of the book Programming Computer Vision with Python by Jan Erik Solem (can be found in ERA-IITK/res)
- Write a code to detect the best Armour Plate in the given image. Draw a rectangular box around the armor. (Image can be found in ERA-IITK/res)
- Getting into Linux Eco-System
- Kernel vs. Operating System
- What is a Daemon?
- Difference Between Bash and sh ?
- What is Gnome?
- What is Shell?
- Complete the chapters 1-5 of the book "Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - written by Vivek Gite" (Found at ERAIITK/res)
- Complete Challenges 1-10 (up to Functions and Fractals) on Hackerrank
Installing and Using ROS
- Installation - one line, Desktop- full, kinetic.
- Read through Section 1.1 of Mahtani - found at ERAIITK/res
ROS System Levels
- Understand the Filesystem level and The Computation Graph level, and draw flow diagram, illustrating your understanding of each of these
Introduction to Nodes and Topics
- Use Turtle Sim simulator, and use the built-in teleop, Use the RQT graph to see the active nodes and topics.
- Write a node that moves the turtle forward when the input is 'f' and backward when input is 'b'
- Write a node that takes an input 'r' from the user and makes the turtle move in c circle of radius 'r'
- What is CMake? Why should we be using it
- Go through 'An Introduction to Modern CMake' from cliutils
- Installing CMake
- Running CMake
- Complete chapter 2- An Introduction to the basics. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zzpkhemh-Hy6f4JnBFJeUH3KxYQ2ZabH/view
- Complete tutorial 1 made by the Cmake Foundation
- Complete Using Dependencies Guide
- Those who did not complete ROS tasks by making a package need to do it in this way.
- You have to work in pairs to write a subscriber publisher pair that can communicate over the network to your partner's computer.
- Ping the network, Perform simple addition.
- You must use a ROS based approach.
- Submit these task as a separate compiled workspace
- Generate the RQT graph and submit that as an image file
- Now modify your talker subscriber network such that the talker on your computer is able to control the turtlesim turtle in your partner's computer.
- The movements are forward and backward, turn left 90* turn right 90*. The forward-backward motion must be quantized for each keypress irrespective of the duration of the keypress.
- Now modify your above program to include gesture recognition. Control the turtlesim turtle on your partner's computer using hand gestures in front of your webcam
- The same movement constraints apply as above.
- You must get feedback of the current position of the turtle, back on your screen.
- Use OpenCV for image processing
- The above tasks need to be done in the C programming language and compiled as a package