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Using CESM in the Cray environment container on Cheyenne

Jim Edwards edited this page Mar 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

git clone --branch container_environment cesm2_x_container

Will get a cesm branch (based on cesm2.3-alpha08c) which can use the cray container environment on cheyenne. To use it download this cesm branch and run manage_externals to get the components.

To run in the crayenv container on cheyenne: Start by running create_newcase or create_test in a container environment with cd cime/scripts crayenv ./create_newcase --case foo --compset X --res f19_g17 cd foo ./case.setup ./

(all these steps happen inside the container environment automagically)

This container is defined without a queuing system and so in order to run you should first launch an interactive login on cheyenne using the number of nodes your case will run on:

qsub -X -I -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 -l walltime=03:00:00 -q regular -A PROJECT


That's all it takes, you have built with the cray cce compiler and run inside the cray container on cheyenne.

I will submit PR's for these tools to be included in future cesm2_3_x tags.