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getting started with the ETH TIK cluster


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This guide will help you get started quickly with the TIK cluster.

All work on the cluster is managed through the SLURM interface. You can choose between two types of workflows: (a) Submitting traditional SLURM batch jobs, which can run for up to 72 hours. (b) Interactive sessions using Apptainer/Jupyter notebooks within an interactive SLURM session. This approach closely resembles working locally and is more convenient, but sessions are limited to a maximum of 12 hours.

Note that all work must be performed on the compute nodes, not the login node. The first step for both workflows is to connect to a free compute node, like so:

# set slurm path
export SLURM_CONF=/home/sladmitet/slurm/slurm.conf

# clean up storage
find /home/$USER -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'public_html' -exec rm -rf {} +
rm -rf /scratch/$USER/*
rm -rf /scratch_net/$USER/*
cd /itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch/
shopt -s extglob
rm -rf !("conda"|"conda_envs"|"conda_pkgs")
shopt -u extglob

# fix locale issues
unset LANG
unset LC_ALL
unset LC_CTYPE
echo 'export LANG=C.UTF-8' >> ~/.bashrc
export LANG=C.UTF-8

# convenience aliases for ~/.bashrc.$USER
alias ll="ls -alF"
alias smon_free="grep --color=always --extended-regexp 'free|$' /home/sladmitet/smon.txt"
alias smon_mine="grep --color=always --extended-regexp '${USER}|$' /home/sladmitet/smon.txt"
alias watch_smon_free="watch --interval 300 --no-title --differences --color \"grep --color=always --extended-regexp 'free|$' /home/sladmitet/smon.txt\""
alias watch_smon_mine="watch --interval 300 --no-title --differences --color \"grep --color=always --extended-regexp '${USER}|$' /home/sladmitet/smon.txt\""

# install conda
cd /itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch/
if [ ! -d "/itet-stor/${USER}/net_scratch/conda" ] && [ ! -d "/itet-stor/${USER}/net_scratch/conda_pkgs" ]; then
  git clone && mv cluster-tutorial/ . && rm -rf cluster-tutorial # only keep
  chmod +x ./ && ./
  eval "$(/itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" # conda activate base
  echo '[[ -f /itet-stor/${USER}/net_scratch/conda/bin/conda ]] && eval "$(/itet-stor/${USER}/net_scratch/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"' >> ~/.bashrc # add to bashrc

# attach to node

# check node availability
watch -n 0.1 -c "grep --color=always --perl-regexp '[\x{1f600}-\x{1fb00}]|free|$' /home/sladmitet/smon.txt"

# attach to a node and allocate 100GB of RAM and 1 GPU (assuming it's free)
# to just access memory run: `salloc --mem=10GB --nodelist=artongpu07`
srun --mem=100GB --gres=gpu:01 --nodelist artongpu07 --pty bash -i

a) Jobs

rm -rf /scratch/$USER

# clone project
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER
cd /scratch/$USER
git clone && cd cluster-tutorial

# create conda `environment.yml` from project
eval "$(/itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch/conda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" # conda activate base
conda info --envs
if conda env list | grep -q "^con "; then
    read -p "the 'con' environment already exists. recreate? (y/n): " answer
    if [[ $answer =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
        conda remove --yes --name con --all
        rm -rf /itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch/conda_envs/con && conda remove --yes --name con --all || true
conda env create --file environment.yml

# dispatch
sbatch \
    --output=$(pwd)/%j.out \
    --error=$(pwd)/%j.err \
    --nodelist=$(hostname) \
    --mem=150G \
    --nodes=1 \
    --gres=gpu:1 \
    --wrap="bash -c 'source /itet-stor/${USER}/net_scratch/conda/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate con && python3 $(pwd)/'"

# monitor
watch -n 0.5 "squeue -u $USER --states=R"
tail -f $(ls -v $(pwd)/*.err 2>/dev/null | tail -n 300)
tail -f $(ls -v $(pwd)/*.out 2>/dev/null | tail -n 300)

b) Interactive Sessions

# step 1

# clean user files and apptainer cache
rm -rf /scratch/$USER/*
rm -rf /scratch_net/$USER/*
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER
cd /scratch/$USER
yes | apptainer cache clean
rm -rf "$PWD/.apptainer/cache"
rm -rf "$PWD/.apptainer/tmp"
mkdir -p "$PWD/.apptainer/cache"
mkdir -p "$PWD/.apptainer/tmp"
export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER/.apptainer/tmp
export APPTAINER_BINDPATH="/scratch/$USER:/scratch/$USER"

cd /scratch/$USER

# download apptainer sif
# for .def files see: ``
apptainer build --disable-cache --sandbox /scratch/$USER/cuda_sandbox docker://

# exec into apptainer
apptainer shell --nv --bind "/scratch/$USER:/scratch/$USER" --home /scratch/$USER/.apptainer/home:/home/$USER --pwd /scratch/$USER /scratch/$USER/cuda_sandbox --containall
# step 2

# set env variables
# see:
# see:
alias ll="ls -alF"
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/venv/.local
export TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/venv/.local
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/.local
export PYTHONUSERBASE=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/.local
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/pip_cache
export PIP_CACHE_DIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/pip_cache
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/site_packages
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/site_packages
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/jupyter_data
export JUPYTER_DATA_DIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/jupyter_data
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
export HF_HOME=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
export TRANSFORMERS_CACHE=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
export HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/hf_cache
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/torch_cache
export TORCH_HOME=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/torch_cache
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/lightning_logs
export LIGHTNING_LOGS=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/lightning_logs
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/checkpoints
export PL_CHECKPOINT_DIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/checkpoints
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/tensorboard_logs
export TENSORBOARD_LOGDIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/tensorboard_logs
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/cuda_cache
export CUDA_CACHE_PATH=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/cuda_cache
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # avoid oversubcription in multigpu
export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 # avoid oversubcription in multigpu

# make venv
pip install --no-cache-dir --target=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/site_packages virtualenv
/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/site_packages/bin/virtualenv /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/venv
source /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/venv/bin/activate
export PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=false

# demo: installing and running pytorch
pip install --upgrade pip
rm -rf /scratch/$USER/piplog.txt
pip install --no-cache-dir --log /scratch/$USER/piplog.txt torch torchvision torchaudio
cat << EOF >
import torch
free_memory, total = torch.cuda.mem_get_info()
print(f"CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}")
echo "number of GPUs: $(nvidia-smi --list-gpus | wc -l)" # sanity check
python3 # should print true

# demo: jupyterlab for convenience
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/jupyter_config
export JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/jupyter_config
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/ipython_config
export IPYTHONDIR=/scratch/$USER/apptainer_env/ipython_config
pip install --no-cache-dir jupyterlab jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv
echo "> http://$(hostname -f):5998"
jupyter lab --no-browser --port 5998 --ip $(hostname -f) # port range [5900-5999]



  1. Connect to the ETH network via a VPN
  1. SSH into the tik42 or j2tik login node using your default password (LDAPS/AD password):
  • For example: ssh <username>

Node types:

  • The login node:
    • Compute: Not permitted. The login-node is only for file management and job submission. Do not run any computation on the login-node (or you will get in trouble!).
    • Storage: Slow and small but non-volatile. Accessible through /scratch/$USER. Limited to just 8GB and uses the NFS4 instead of the EXT4 filesystem which is slower by a wide margin.
  • The compute nodes:
    • Compute: Intended for compute. But bewared that sessions are limited to just 12h in interactive shells and background processes will be killed as soon you log out. Make sure to run long running processes via SLURM batch jobs, which can run 72h.
    • Storage: Fast and large but volatile. Accessible through /itet-stor/$USER/net_scratch (requires your shell to be attached). Uses the EXT4 filesystem.

Further reading:

Thanks to:

  • @tkz10 for finding the dependency redirection hack and reviewing
  • @aplesner for the initial apptainer scripts and reviewing
  • @ijorl for the initial slurm scripts


getting started with the ETH TIK cluster




