v1.0.2, 27-Apr-2022, Patch Release:
Added date to the digest output (suggestion by @yakimka).
Added anti-spam system and CAPTCHA question.
Added quotes from RBC and AliExpress (Helpix and Track24) to rates report.
Added Bitcoin currency to the rates report (suggestion by @mbv06).
Added sending daily exchange rates report.
Moved from Integer to Long type for user id fields (see this issue).
Fixed birthdays of MotoFan.Ru forum users report.
Fixed and increased exchange rates precision (suggestion by @baaaaat).
Fixed BYN exchange rates (reported by @baaaaat).
Fixed COVID-19 pre-rendered report column length.
Fixed non-string fields in JSON generators.
Fixed HTML escaping in MotoFan.Ru posts.
Updated libraries and frameworks:
- Java 1.8.0_275 => 1.8.0_322
- Gradle 6.7.1 => 7.4.1
- Spring Boot 2.4.1 => 2.6.7
- Spring Boot Dependency Management 1.0.10.RELEASE => 1.0.11.RELEASE
- com.github.pengrad:java-telegram-bot-api 5.0.1 => 5.7.0
- org.yaml:snakeyaml 1.27 => 1.29
- org.jsoup:jsoup 1.13.1 => 1.14.3
- org.apache.poi:poi 4.1.2 => 5.2.2
- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml 4.1.2 => 5.2.2