The backend for Karte von morgen written in Rust.
You find our public API with all major changes in Swagger.
The Test-API is available under
The most updated API is documented within the openapi.yaml file. You can render the API documentation e.g. with the swagger editor:
- go to
- go to
->import URL
- and enter
An other way to see how the API can be used, you can open the network
tab in the developer
tools of your browser and see the requests that are made to
Make sure you use the Data appropriate to the ODbL-License
If you want to use the API in your project, please contact us at . When your application is running stable you can switch from the to the prductive The API might still change sometimes. We will try to let you know in that case.
Download the latest build openfairdb_x86_64-unknown-linux-musl_v0.10.5.tar.xz, unpack and start it:
tar xJf openfairdb_x86_64-unknown-linux-musl_v0.10.5.tar.xz
RUST_LOG=info ./openfairdb
If you're using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS you can run
sudo apt-get install curl libssl-dev gcc
curl -sSf | sh
On Windows you can download the installer from (But don't forget to install a C++ toolchain first).
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite
git clone
cd openfairdb/
cargo build
The required Rust toolchain and version is defined in rustc-toolchain and will be installed by Cargo on demand when building the project.
On NixOS you can build the project with:
nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs>{}).callPackage ./default.nix {}'
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/openfairdb
If you want to get stacktraces on panics use
To be able to send email notifications you need to define
a sender email address. You can do this by setting the
environment variable.
If you like to use the mailgun
service you also need to define the
variable with your API key
variable with the domain
you are setup for mailgun.
Build and tag the Docker image:
docker build -t openfairdb:latest .
The image is created FROM scratch
and does not provide any user environment or shell.
The executable in the container is controlled by the following environment variables:
- RUST_LOG: Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error)
- DATABASE_URL: Database file path
The database file must be placed in a volume outside of the container. For this purpose the image defines the mountpoint /volume where an external volume from the host can be mounted.
The container exposes the port 8080 for publishing to the host.
docker run --rm \
-p 6767:8080 \
-e RUST_LOG="info" \
-e DATABASE_URL="/volume/openfairdb.sqlite" \
-v "/var/openfairdb":/volume:Z \
The resulting Docker image contains a static executable named entrypoint
that can be extracted
from any container instance (but not directly from the image itself):
docker cp <container id>:entrypoint openfairdb
At the moment the OpenFairDB does not support online backups. Therefore we use a simple script that copies the DB file once a day.
This overview shows, how Karte von morgen is created and how it interacts with the other modules
Note: Currently the rendered class diagram must be updated manually by uploading the contents of the file classes.puml to the PlantUML Online Editor and replace the link for the rendered diagram with one of the generated URLs.
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018 Markus Kohlhase
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 slowtec GmbH
This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 license.