🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️
✢ Additions:
- Added portraits for generic yeti scientists.
- Added a new general in Tobuck.
✢ Changes:
- Removed the holiday spirit.
- Shortened the duration of the Changeling Lands' starting national spirit 'Pre-emptive War Bonds' from 2 to 1.5 years.
- Reduced the amount of factories and divisions Aquileia and Rila have at game start and get later on.
- Nova Griffonia can now support communist Griffonian Republic.
- Equestria and Solar Empire now get a severe opinion penalty with Chiropterra.
- Tarrin's decision to spawn partisans in enemy territory can now only target neighbours.
✢ Fixes:
- Fixed new Aestlonia characters not appearing.
- Fixed "The Eler Sea Agreement" focus in Colthage not being available when it should be.
- Allowed ship hull self-conversions as a workaround for vanilla refit bug.
- Fixed some advisor icons.
- Nuclear bomb crystal shortage now also accounts for import.
- Numerous minor Kattail fixes.
- Re-enabled super heavy battleships.
- Fixed Soryth starting with a magical research facility.
- Improved Stalliongrad AI.
- Fixed availability of a Diamond Mountain focus about Farbrook and Firtrees.
- Fixed dependencies of Starfire special project for Hippogriffia.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
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