This is where to list useful Nim language resources
- Useful whether they are awesome
- Sort by personal rating, not alphabetically
- Optional add additional comments instead of all words copied from the web
- Nim Packages directory
- Nim Packages
- Index: Ctrl + F search proc
- Manual
- Standard library
- Forum
- Nim Github
- Curated Packages
- Awesome Nim
- Recently updated github repositories
- Stars:>50 github repositories
- Nim Reddit
- NimExperiments - Various code experiments
- nim-etc - Various Nim snippets collection
- Rosetta Code - present solutions to the same task in as many different languages
- Stack Overflow questions
- Nim FAQ
- Computer Programming with the Nim Programming Language
- Official Tutorial
- How I start
- Nim days - xmonader's journey using Nim and creating useful/practical things
- Araq's musings
- Peter's DevLog
- moigagoo
- HookRace (Not recently updated)
- zevv (Author of The Nim memory model)
Nim compiler related tool
Image Processing
- nim_qr - Create SVG and Raster Image files with QR-codes from strings
- Flippy - simple 2d image and drawing library
- diffimg
- imageman - Image manipulation library
- NimSvg - Nim-based DSL allowing to generate SVG files and GIF animations
- Steganography_tool - hide any typoe of data into an image
- nimagehide - hiding messages or other files in images
- stb_image-Nim - A Nim wrapper for the stb_image library
- Norm - compute the norm of the difference between two images
- nim-imghdr - determining the type of an image
- nimagehide - hiding messages or other files in images
- img2text - simple web application the returns the text in images
- Tile Images - combine images representing a set of learning content into a tiled image
- arraymancer-vision - image loading, preprocessing and visualization for working with arraymancer - 2017
Text Processing
- docx - read pure text from docx
- xlsx - Parse Xlsx
- tsv2json - Turn TSV file or stream into JSON file or stream
- CSV2HTML - convert CSV to HTML
- yml2conf - A config file generator from YAML
- yaml2json - Convert yaml to json
- cringify-text - converts your provided text into cRiiNgE mOdE
- GraphNotes - Convert your research notes to a graph
- cello - library of succinct data structures, for string searching and other string operations
- nim-markdown - Beautiful Markdown Parser
- nimquery - Nim library for querying HTML using CSS-selectors
- strunicode - unicode string handling
- graphemes - grapheme aware string handling (Unicode tr29)
- alignment - library to align strings, The procedures consider multibyte strings
- rect - crop/paste rectangle text
- cringify-text - converts your provided text into cRiiNgE mOdE
- nim-espeak - Nim Espeak NG wrapper, for super easy Voice and Text-To-Speech
- nim-tinyslation - Text string translation from free online crowdsourced API. Tinyslation a tiny translation
- A Markov Text generator
Video/Audio Processing
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