The aim of this repo is to make a clean and efficient documentation for developping around Request Tracker v4.
Official documentation sources are:
- RT website (the "Developer Documentation" section is actually the API for scriping and extentions)
- RT Wiki
Official user documentation is very clear and complete; and wiki is a good source but there is no quick beginner dev documentation. This is the aim of this project: help for the first steps of getting into RT.
First of all, you'll have to install RT. The Development installation guide in the wiki is a good starting point.
- etc/ is the config file for RT (the one you want to edit)
- etc/ containts all the possible keys for this file with doc
The first conf to add to this file is:
# avoid "Possible cross-site request forgery" alerts in every post request
Set(@ReferrerWhitelist, qw(;
# Disable cache
Set($DevelMode, 1);
# Set logging to console and logging level to debug (so it will log debug, warning, ...)
Set($LogToFile, undef);
Set($LogToSysLog, undef);
Set($LogToSTDERR, 'debug');
More details of file can be found on the wiki
More infos about debugging can be found in
sbin/rt-server --port 8080
When debugging, we sometimes want to disable email sending to have a more clear log. There is a usefull trick on wiki for that.
We advise you to read this doc in this order:
- containts general things to know that are used in all other files
- scrips
- basic snippets
- debugging techniques
- if you plan to write callbacks
- have a look to
folder for advanced examples