This is a script for printing automation using Python, and it was made to get you out of tedious jobs!
The first thing do you need to use it, is install the dependency
python 3 and pywin32
To install the dependency is easy, you only need follow the steep on the offical doc basead at on your operational system link:
- Clone the repository Open the prompt, terminal or PowerShell and copy/paste the next code/command
git clone
- install pywin32
Open the corrent folder into prompt, Terminal or Powershell and execute
python -m pip install -r requiriment.txt
- Run the code...
When you run the code you will see the following
It will show you a welcome screen, then will ask you to choose/select a printer to select, just enter the number of printer position
When you select the printer, you just need to paste/put the path to the folder that contains the files to be printed
Feel Free, fork the project and go to the sky ;)