Other people describe me as a friendly, helpful, and hardworking person. One of my passions is hockey, which I played as a kid, but I'm mostly a big fan now.
Besides that, I enjoy watching movies, taking walks, and simply listening to music. My biggest passion is web development, which I started learning in my early 20s.
Web Development is something I started after college graduation. I began with Front-End languages, including HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS, and later the jQuery library. After writing a few hundred lines of code and a few scripts, I realized that I enjoyed coding and wanted to make it my career. To expand my knowledge, I took two web development courses, which provided a solid foundation, but I felt the need to learn more.
I achieved this by enrolling in additional online courses, mainly through the Udemy platform. After a few months of self-study, I secured my first job in IT as a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer. Since then, I've worked in a couple of startups, gaining a few years of experience. However, I believe this is just the beginning of my journey.
Other Skills & Tools
- Riga Coding School - WEB Development & WEB Design
- ITLat - WEB Development
- Codelex - C# Developer
- React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
- 100 Days Of Code - 2023 Web Development Bootcamp)
- Vue - The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API))
- Weather App
- Used Techs - ReactJS, TailwindCSS
- Description - Applications allows you to search for any city or place and provides you with the upcoming 3-day weather forecast.
- Personal Resume Builder
- Used Techs - Laravel, MySQL, VUE, Sass
- Description - Let's you create your resume with sections like Languages, Education, Experiences, etc., and you can also download it as a .pdf document.
- Simple Job-Board
- Used Techs - Laravel, MySQL, ReactJS, Sass
- Description - Basic application where you can Sign Up as Company, if you want to place a vacancy or as a regular user, if you want to search for jobs. You can also add sections like Education, Work experience as a regular user, or if you are company, you can search for candidates and offer them your vacancy.
- Flight Planner - Codelex Home Assignment
- Used Techs - C#, EntityFramework
- Description - Simple CRUD application where you can manage flights.
- IF Employee - Codelex Home Assignment
- Used Techs - C#, EntityFramework
- Description - An application that allows you to add employees who can then report their working hours.
Feel free to contact me