Philip John Gorinski and Mirella Lapata (2015). Movie Script Summarization as Graph-based Scene Extraction. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Philip John Gorinski and Mirella Lapata (2018). What's this Movie about? A Joint Neural Network Architecture for Movie Content Analysis. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
ScriptBase-alpha: The first crawl of movie scripts
ScriptBase-J: Additional meta data from Jinni
- script.htm / script.html - in cases where the script was crawled from a web-page in HTML format
- script.txt - plain-text version of the movie script
- wiki.html - the movie's Wikipedia[1] page (2014 dump)
- imdb.html - the movie's main IMDB[2] page (2014 dump)
- keywords.html - the movie's IMDB keywords page
- credits.html - the movie's IMDB credits page
- summary.html - the movie's IMDB summaries page
- synopsis.html - the movie's IMDB synopsis page
- taglines.html - the movie's IMDB taglines page
- processed/imdb_meta - meta data extracted from IMDB
- processed/logTag.txt - the movie's log line(s) and tag line(s), if it has any
- processed/wikiplot.txt - plain-text version of Wikipedia's plot section for the movie
- processed/summaries/ - folder containing plain-text versions of the movie's IMDB summaries (if any)
- jinni.html - the movie's Jinni[3] page (2015 dump)
- processed/script_clean.txt - plain-text version of the movie script, manually corrected for inconsistencies
- processed/script.xml - XML version of the movie script, with various automatic annotations
- processed/profile.txt - Jinni's movie profile in plain-text format
- processed/genes.txt - all Jinni genes (attribute-value pairs) for the movie