QuOp_MPI is a Python 3 module for parallel distributed-memory simulation of Quantum Variational Algorithms (QVAs) with arbitrary phase-shift and mixing operators. The design, usage and performance of QuOp_MPI are covered in an article which is accessible as a preprint on arXiv.
Package Development:
- Matwiejew, E. & Wang, J. B. QuOp_MPI: A framework for parallel simulation of quantum variational algorithms. Journal of Computational Science 62, 101711 (2022).
- Matwiejew, E. & Wang, J. QSW_MPI: A framework for parallel simulation of quantum stochastic walks. Computer Physics Communications 107724 (2020)
QuOp_MPI has provided numerical results for:
- Bennett, T., Matwiejew, E., Marsh, S. & Wang, J. B. Quantum Walk-Based Vehicle Routing Optimisation. Frontiers in Physics 9, (2021).
- Slate, N., Matwiejew, E., Marsh, S. & Wang, J. B. Quantum walk-based portfolio optimisation. Quantum 5, 513 (2021).
- Matwiejew, E., Pye J. & Wang J. B. Quantum Optimisation for Continuous Multivariable Functions by a Structured Search. arXiv:2210.06227, (2022).
Building QuOp_MPI requires:
- GCC 7+.
- MPI (Open-MPI or MPICH).
- HDF5 (configured with --enable-fortran --enable-shared --enable-parallel).
- FFTW3 (configured --enable-fortran --enable-shard --enable-mpi).
- Python 3.11+.
- Cmake 3.9+.
These can be installed through the package manager of most Linux distributions, or the Homebrew third-party package manager elsewhere. Example install scripts are included in installation_scripts
Build and install:
FC=mpifort python -m setup bdist_wheel python -m pip install dist/QuOp_MPI-*.whl
Test the installation by running an example:
cd ../ cd examples/maxcut mpiexec -N 2 python3 maxcut.py
Install the documentation build dependencies:
pip install .[docs]
python3 setup.py build_sphinx
If parallel versions of FFTW3 and HDF5 packages are not available on your system, these packages can be built from source. For a comprehensive overview of their installation, please consult the documentation provided by the FFTW and HDF5 projects. The below commands should work with most Unix-like systems:
wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.10/hdf5-1.10.6/src/hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz tar -xvf hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz cd hdf5-1.10.6 ./configure --enable-fortran --enable-shared --enable-parallel --prefix=/usr/local make && sudo make install cd wget http://www.fftw.org/fftw-3.3.8.tar.gz tar -xvf fftw-3.3.8.tar.gz cd fftw-3.3.8 ./configure --enable-mpi --enable-fortran --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local make && sudo make install cd
If QuOp_MPI is unable to find the HDF5 or FFTW shared object libraries.
nano ~/.bashrc
Move to the bottom of the file and add:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
Then exit Nano (saving changes) and finally,
source ~/.bashrc
If you encounter a bug, please submit a report via Github. If you would like to get in touch, email me at edric.matwiejew@research.uwa.edu.au.