Simple todo-list project writtein in flutter-based framework Flet.
This serves as an excercise in GUI application development and using related patterns (MVP)
This application features:
- A list of tasks that you can manage.
- Add and Edit description for the tasks.
- Views for All, Active and Completed tasks.
- Undo completed tasks if needed.
- Delete all completed tasks.
- Store and Load tasks in local database.
Main view of the application:
Added some tasks, with and without description (details):
View with only active tasks:
And with only completed tasks:
Python version: 3.10.16
Create and Activate virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
On Linux:
source .venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
source .venv/scripts/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt