2020/2021 - 4rd Year, 1st Semester
Course: Agentes e Inteligência Artificial Distribuída (AIAD) | Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Projects developed by: Eduardo Ribeiro (EduRibeiro00), Tiago Alves (tiago-falves) and Miguel Pinto (MiguelDelPinto)
Project 1: Emergency Call System
- Developed a multi-agent system capable of receiving emergency calls from a certain location, and selecting the best vehicles for the emergency.
- Implemented using JADE, a Java framework for multi-agent systems.
- Languages/technologies used: Java, JADE.
Grade: 18.5 / 20
Project 2: Simulation & Visualization Tool for the Emergency Call System
- Developed a visualization tool that creates a map that shows all the vehicles in the system, the current emergencies and connections representing the allocation of a vehicle to an emergency.
- Used SAJaS and Repast as tools to create the simulation and visualization environment.
- Languages/technologies used: Java, SAJaS, Repast.
Grade: 19.6 / 20
Disclaimer - This repository was used for educational purposes and I do not take any responsibility for anything related to its content. You are free to use any code or algorithm you find, but do so at your own risk.