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JuNe CSS complete and minified Cascading Style Sheets with everything you need to format the layout of a responsive webpage

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JuNe CSS is a complete and minified Cascading Style Sheets with everything you need to format the layout of a responsive webpage, in just 14 Kb (Bootstrap with 262 Kb).

✔ Responsive for mobile / tablets / desktop.

✔ Dark and Light mode.

✔ Responsive tables.

✔ Desktop menu.

✔ Hamburger menu.

✔ ToolTipTexts, Badges.

✔ Switches with unicode characters.

✔ Loaders.

✔ Designed for users with presbyopia.

✔ Version with Font Awesome

14 Kb

👉 Try JavaScript framework for frontend JuNe PaulaJS


Eduardo Ruiz <>

JuNe / JUst NEeded Philosophy

  1. Source code using less code as possible So you can understand code and find bugs easier.
  2. Few and optimized lines is better Elegant design.
  3. Avoid external dependencies abuse/bloated, and possible third-party bugs Less files size, better and faster to the interpreter.
  4. Clear and useful documentation with examples and without verbose Get to the point.
  5. Avoid showing unsolicited popups, notifications or messages in frontend For better User eXperience.
  6. Simple UI, without many menus/options and with few clicks to get to sites.
  7. Consequences of having a lot of code (and for simple things): Having to work and search through many files and folders with a lot of wasted time, successive errors due to missing unknown files, madness to move a code to another project, errors due to recursive dependencies difficult to locate, complexity or impossibility to migrate to new versions, unfeasibility to follow the trace with so much code, risk of new errors if the functionality is extended, problems not seen at the first sight, general slowness in the whole development due to excessive and unnecessary code.


Prefixed custom properties / variables with --jc (JuNe CSS). You can change your corporative (dark) color jcbtheme, and your custom font.

  • Light: means a bright color.
  • Dark: means a darker color.
  • Combination of foreground/background with light/dark or dark/light must be readable/legible.
Name ☀️Light/🌑Dark Default Definition With text
jcfnt - sansserif Font family used -
jcfntsize - .9em Font size -
jcfntszes - .7em Font size small -
jcclr 🌑Dark #333 #333 Color for foreground
jcbg ☀️Light #fff #fff Color for background
jcclight ☀️Light #fff #fff Color for foreground
jcbglight 🌑Dark #222 #222 Color for background
jcbbclr 🌑Dark #fff #fff Color for button/foreground -
jcbtheme ☀️Light #fea700 #fea700 Corporative color for button/background
jcbblue ☀️Light #07c #07c Blue color for button/background
jcbred ☀️Light #d33 #d33 Red color for button/background
jcbgreen ☀️Light #490 #490 Green color for button/background
jcbgray ☀️Light #777 #777 Gray color for button/background
jcbblack ☀️Light #000 #000 Black color for button/background
jcbglighto 🌑Dark #ccc #00000008 Black color button/background with opacity
  • jcclr + jcbg: are used to main color and backgrounds (light).
  • jcclight + jcbglight: are used as reversed main color and backgrounds (dark) for headers/footers.
  • jcbbclr + (jcbtheme, jcbblue, jcbgreen...): are used for buttons and backgrounds (dark).

🌑 Dark mode

Main color and background are reversed, and the (visuality) meaning changes: light is dark and dark is light.

| Name | 🌑Light/☀️Dark | Default | Definition | With text | | --- | :---: | --- | --- | --- | :---: | | jcclr | ☀️Dark | #fff #fff | Color for foreground | | | jcbg | 🌑Light | #222 #222 | Color for background | | | jcclight | 🌑Light | #333 #333 | Color for foreground | | | jcbglight | ☀️Dark | #fff #fff | Color for background | |

🎨 Styles

For HTMLElements or to use as a class.

Class Element Definition Used Sample
- body Background ☀️light jcbg
.bgd - Text and background 🌑dark jcclight, jcbglight
- img Ready for responsive, so don´t specify width/height - -
- header Top header position - -
.fg body, div, td, input, button, textarea, select, option Color, font and size jcclr, jcfnt, jcfntsize
.lnk a Links for ☀️light backgrounds, brighter on hover jcbtheme
.dlnk - Links for 🌑dark backgrounds, darker on hover jcbtheme, jcclight
.tlnk - Links for theme backgrounds jcbglight, jcclight
.txt select For inputs and selects, theme on hover -
- option For options jcclr, jcbg -
- textarea resize: none - -
.ib - display: inline-block - -
.cp - cursor: pointer - -
.fw - Full width width: 100% - -
.lh - Line height (font-size + 6px) - -
.sm - Small font jcfntszes -
.fb - Font Bold - -
.fi - Font Italic - -
.tl - text-align: left - -
.tc - text-align: center - -
.tj - text-align: justify - -
.tr - text-align: right - -
.vt - vertical-align: top - -
.vm - vertical-align: middle - -
.vb - vertical-align: bottom - -
.ov - Oval - -
.oscr - Allow scroll on touch - -
.ellp - Show ellipsis on text overflow - -
.selelm:hover ::selection Text selection jcclight, jcbtheme
.main - Page content for bottom - -
.button - Buttons (standard) jcbtheme
(select/textarea/:disabled) Disabled elements - -
(select/textarea/:read-only) Readonly elements - -
.theme - Theme background jcbbclr, jcbtheme
.blue - Blue background jcbbclr, jcbblue
.red - Red background jcbbclr, jcbred
.green - Green background jcbbclr, jcbgreen
.gray - Gray background jcbbclr, jcbgray
.black - Black background jcbbclr, jcbblack
.req - Required field label jcbred -
.txtgrp - Group for inputs - -
.switch - Swich for checkboxes jcbtheme -
.nosel - No selectable - -
.noprint - No visible on print - -
.rtbl - Responsive tables - -
.box - Boxes - -
.boxlnk - Boxes scale jcbtheme -
.shake - Shake effect - -
.loader1 - Loader1 - -
.loader2 - Loader2 - -
.menu - Desktop menu jcbbclr, jcbtheme -
#menuToggle - Hamburger menu jcbbclr, jcbtheme -

⋯ Menu

Navigation desktop menu, have a look to HTML code in sample.html You could add class="mobn" to the div to show it only on desktops.

≡ Hamburger menu

Navigation hamburger menu, have a look to HTML code in sample.html You could add class="moby" to the div to show it only on mobiles/tablets.

⊞ Responsive tables

Using data-cn to show column name on the left in small portrait orientation.

<table class="rtbl">
      <td data-cn="Title1">Value1</td>
      <td data-cn="Title2">Value2</td>

🏷 ToolTipTexts

Just add dataset data-tooltip with text, sample <span data-tooltip="Hello">I have tip</span>

❶ Badges

Just add dataset data-badge with text, optional colors in style, badgefg for foregroud (default jcclight), and badgebg for background (default jcbtheme). <span data-badge="2">Badge sample</span> <span data-badge="88" style="--badgefg: var(--jcclr); --badgebg: var(--jcbgray)>Badge change colors</span>

↺ Loaders

Default size 40px change with <i style="--size: 60px" class="loader1"></i>

🌓 Manual change Dark/Light mode

Use colorScheme() and window.onload functions, value in localStorage to remember decission. sample.html includes JavaScript functions to enable system default dark mode, or force dark mode, decission is stored and if user selects current mode then default mode will be system default, so checked status will change on system colors changes with matchMedia listener.


Use --checked and --unchecked styles to add an unicoche character, --top for relative top unicode position. Sample with ✔️❌ <input type="checkbox" class="switch" checked style="--checked: '\2714\FE0F'; --unchecked: '\274C'">

↭ Shake (to notify troubles)

Use and export function shake(o) where o is the object to shake, sample <div onclick="shake(this)">Click here</div>

Styles for responsive

Visible for 🖥️Desktop or 📱Mobile/Tablets.

.mob[y(es)|n(o)][|b(lock)] to show or hide, treated as block or inline and according if mobile/tablets or desktop.

Class Definition 🖥️ 📱
.moby Display inline only on mobiles/tablets
.mobyb Display block only on mobiles/tablets
.mobn Display inline-block only on desktop
.mobnb Display block only on desktop
.cards Individual line 100% 100%
.card10 Column 10% 10% 100%
.card20 Column 20% 20% 100%
.card25 Column 25% 25% 100%
.card33 Column 33% 33% 100%
.card40 Column 40% 40% 100%
.card50 Column 50% 50% 100%
.card60 Column 60% 60% 100%
.card75 Column 75% 75% 100%
.card80 Column 80% 80% 100%
.card90 Column 90% 90% 100%
.card100 Column 100% 100% 100%
  • Easy to build a responsive design, just fill up to 100% by adding columns.
  • ‼️Don´t space between divs or fail.
  • Sample line with 3 columns (50% + 25% + 25%):
<!-- No spaces between cards </div><div...> -->
<div class="cards">
	<div class="cards50">Half screen</div><div class="cards25">
		First quarter</div><div class="cards25">
		Second quarter</div>

Icons from Font Awesome

  • Add this icon library and it´s dependencies (suchs as fonts/fa-*.woff2).
  • Only for Solid and Brands family/styles.

CSS for JuNe PaulaJS

  • Customize your own styles for modal windows and toast notifications adding:
  • wincssbg: Modal windows background.
  • wincssfg: Modal windows foreground.
  • toastcss: Toast notifications.
.wincssbg {
	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.83);
	backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
	transition: .5s ease;
.wincssfg {
	margin: auto;
	padding: 8px;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 6px;
	background: var(--jcbg);
	box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #444;
	transform: scale(1.4);
	transition: .3s ease;
	div {
		color: var(--jcclr);
		line-height: 1.7em;
.toastcss {
	width: 80%;
	left: 10%;
	right: 10%;
	padding: 7px 9px 20px;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 6px;
	box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #CCC;
	color: #FFF;
	background: rgba(0,0,0,0.83);
	backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
	transition: .3s ease;
  • Add class names to JuNe PaulaJS main.js in data array objects:
    • winCSSbg: 'wincssbg'
    • winCSSfg: 'wincssfg'
    • toastCSS: 'toastcss'

Inline Styles

There is no problem in using inline styles. It is not a bad practice even if you read wrong about it. In many occasions it´s the best option for small styles. That way they are located in their HTMLElement, and so the style file does not grow, nor is it necessary to create a class for individual single-use styles. It also improves the visualization since the style is applied instantly without having to wait for the CSS to load. Really the bad practice is to create a large and unoptimized style file, with unused classes, that is difficult to manage, hard to find anything and takes longer to load.

For best image/iframe loading performance when it´s possible to show in a visible window area, add loading tag <img src="..." loading="lazy">

Minimum changes

In most cases you may only need to change the theme color, so just add it after the CSS:

:root {
	--jcbtheme:	#FEA700;

Or using JS on window load:'--jcbtheme', '#FEA700');

👓 Clear and legible styles and easy to click on them


Do not use small styles and keep in mind that presbyopia begins at age 40, that is 26% of world´s population (1.8 billion) and more than 80% in adults. 👥Think of everyone. JuNe CSS is designed for presbyopia people, avoiding small designs and using high contrast. Also spacing of elements for easy clicking on touch devices and to facilitate people with disabilities.


  • Choose the CSS file you need and fonts files required (and create fonts/ folder in your project).
  • Add to your HTML head project with <link rel="stylesheet" href="/june-css.min.css">
  • Remember to change fonts/ path if you prefer another location (recommended absolute paths / ).
  • Change your corporative/main color in jcbtheme (default orange #fea700).
  • Change sansserif font if you prefer other font and adjust --jcfnt name, and @font-face family / src path.
  • Only woff2 (Web Open Font Format) is needed by browsers nowadays. TTF (or OTF) to WOFF2 converters: cloudconvert, Everything Fonts or fontConverter.
  • Keep in mind to choose a font that includes accents or characters for other languages.
  • You can download this repository to see sample/template in file sample.html

| File | Size | Font(s) to include | Definition | | --- | ---: | --- | --- | --- | | june-css.css | 14 Kb | fonts/sansserif.woff2 | Version without Font Awesome | | june-css.min.css | 11 Kb | fonts/sansserif.woff2 | Minified version without Font Awesome | | june-cssfa.css | 84 Kb | fonts/* | Version with Font Awesome (minified) | | june-cssfa.min.css | 80 Kb | fonts/* | Minified version with Font Awesome |

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JuNe CSS complete and minified Cascading Style Sheets with everything you need to format the layout of a responsive webpage






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