This web app was inspired by this code wars kata
Given a word it uses symbols of elements to construct it, in order, of course. If the given word can be formed by elements it'll show all the ways it can be formed, otherwise, it won't return anything.
For example:
Beach can be formed by the following elements:
- Be (Beryllium) Ac (Actinium) H (Hydrogen)
Some words, like snack, can be formed in several ways:
- S (Sulfur), N (Nitrogen), Ac (Actinium), K (Potassium)
- S (Sulfur), Na (Sodium), C (Carbon)m K (Potassium)
- Sn (Tin), Ac (Actinium), K (Potassium)
You can see the project running on Vercel here
This project was made using React, Create-React-App, TailwindCSS and CRACO, therefore all the default commands are available. For further and detailed information. Please refer to the Create-React-App official documentation