This project investigates the goals scored and assists made by players in the Championship, and compares them to their performance in the Premier League the following season.
Tableau: Premier League Championship Analysis - Goals and Assists
FPL Championship Analysis - Draft Project
├── conf
│ └── duplicated_player_names.yaml # Configuration for managing duplicated player names
├── data # Data storage for raw and processed datasets
│ ├── championship_assists # Championship assists data files split by season and unioned
│ ├── championship_goals # Championship goals data files split by season and unioned
│ ├── premier_league_assists # Premier League assists data files split by season and unioned
│ ├── premier_league_goals # Premier League goals data files split by season and unioned
│ └── premier_league_championship_joined.csv # Joined dataset of Premier League and Championship data
├── notebooks # Jupyter notebooks for running exploration and processing functions
│ ├── 01_load_pl_championship_data.ipynb # Notebook to load Premier League and Championship data
│ └── 02_join_pl_championship_data.ipynb # Notebook to join Premier League and Championship data
├── scripts # Above notebooks in python script form
│ ├── # Script to join Premier League and Championship data
│ └── # Script to load Premier League and Championship data
├── src # Source code directory for data preparation modules
│ └── data_preperation # Data preparation module
│ ├── # Module to join data including filtering and mapping player names
│ └── # Module to load data including scraping
└── tests # Directory for test scripts (in development)