A collaborative effort to:
Outline each section of the Build Back Better Act in a way that's easier to understand, navigate, and search.
Summarize the contents of each section as objectively as possible.
- copying from source into new md files for each major section/part
- this'll make it easier for contributors to make manageable contributions
- figuring out file structure and naming conventions - to be added as a Style section in the intro or in a CONTRIBUTING doc
- https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5376/text
- https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr5376/text
- https://rules.house.gov/bill/117/hr-5376
- finish laying out all the original text into sections / subsections
- intro page
- algolia docsearch
- new components
- glossary (should this be by section?)
- tag each dollar amount, ideally with the purpose
- total dollar amounts in a table
| purpose | dollars | link |
- a glossary-style page that lists out each
- total dollar amounts in a table
- plain-English translations of each section/page - should probably be a sub page so that the original can stay separate
- cross-link - when other legislation is referenced, link to that
- style / design / formatting - replace all the default Docusaurus stuff with relevant info
- public, non-Edward repo
- Git{Hub,Lab} pages
- Add a license? Probably closest to BY-NC-SA?
The site is built using Docusaurus 2.
To run and develop locally, you'll need (git,) npm and yarn:
git clone git@github.com:EdwardAngert/build-back-better-breakdown.git
cd build-back-better-breakdown
yarn install
cd docs
yarn run start
Use your browser to navigate to http://localhost:3000