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⚠️ = Important = ⚠️

INEGI has published a breaking change with the current inegiR version (error: "d_dates does not exist") - fix has been provided by a user here. However, I still need to test and send an update to CRAN (Work in progress with no ETA yet).

If you are eager for new version, please use devtools to update the package:


devtools::install_github(repo = "Eflores89/inegiR")

CRAN_Status_Badge downloads


Version 3 of inegiR is now on CRAN. This is a big update that breaks with most functionality in previous versions.

New API Compatibility

Most importantly, this version is now (finally) compatible with INEGI's updated API (v2.0). Similar to previous versions, you can use the inegi_series function to download the data series you want. Now, you just need to add the indicador code.


token_inegi <- "your-own-token"
gdp <- inegi_series(serie = "381016", token = token_inegi)
date date_shortcut values notes
2016-01-01 Q1 14080629 NA
2016-04-01 Q2 14333716 NA
2016-07-01 Q3 14421873 NA
2016-10-01 Q4 15012430 NA
2017-01-01 Q1 14471824 NA
2017-04-01 Q2 14586819 NA

There is an added option to download the data in tibbletime format.

gdp <- inegi_series(serie = "381016", token = token_inegi, as_tt = TRUE)
[1] "tbl_time"   "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

Like previous version, you can also download metadata. However, INEGI's new API does not explicitly serve the "human" metadata in the call. Instead, you get some codes and access to catalogs to describe those codes. For example, for the same data series...

gdp <- inegi_series(series_id = "381016", token = token_inegi, metadata = TRUE)
source 17
topic 1160165000100010
notes 2830
last_update 22/08/2017 02:36:48 p. m.
region 00
units 278
indicator_ID 381016
frequency 6
call_local_time 2019-07-06 14:56:02

Beware, not all the date formats are supported (only anual, trimestral, monthly and biweekly data) and there is a new date_shortcut column, which makes it easier to see the frequency of the series.


To obtain the code descriptions, there are some new functions, which begin with incat_:

# obtain the frequency codes.
frequencies <- incat_freq(token_inegi)

Indicator functions

All of specific indicator functions (i.e. unemployment rate) have been rewritten and now start with inind_.

Multiple series

There is a new function for downloading a vector of more than one series in one go. They do not have to be the same frequency. For example, GDP and unemployment.

series_needed <- c("381016", "444612")
series_names <- c("GDP - old series", "Unemployment rate")

data_for_project <- inegi_series_multiple(series_id = series_needed, 
                                          token = token_inegi, 
                                          names = series_names)


R package to interact with INEGI API's 📊 📈






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