Modern rendering core: spec, vulkan (by kernel_slicer) and other
- clone this repo with all its submodules
- git clone --recurse-submodules
- or use git submodule init && git submodule apdate after clone
- Disable Vulkan by '-DUSE_VULKAN=OFF'
- Build normally with Cmake
- clone
- Build kernel_slicer
- clone this repo with all its submodules
- git clone --recurse-submodules
- or use git submodule init && git submodule apdate after clone
- run kernel_slicer with 'Launch (HydraCore3/GLSL/External)' config
- build shaders (by calling 'shaders_generated/')
- build solution normally with CMake
- install llvm-17 (both dev and not dev) and some libs
- wget
- chmod +x
- sudo ./ 17
- sudo apt-get install llvm-17-dev
- sudo touch /usr/lib/llvm-17/bin/yaml-bench
- sudo apt-get install libclang-17-dev
- sudo apt install clang-17
- sudo apt install libomp-17-dev
- sudo apt-get install libzstd-dev (a compression library which is needed for Enzyme)
- Build Enzyme
- Download latest release from
- cd /path/to/Enzyme/enzyme
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake -G Ninja .. -DLLVM_DIR=usr/lib/llvm-17/lib/cmake/llvm -DClang_DIR=/usr/lib/cmake/clang-17
- ninja
- you should have '' in 'enzyme/build/Enzyme'. You have to pass this DLL to clang via '-fplugin=...' when compile the project!
- Build hydra with CMake and clang
- make sure you set 'ENZYME_PLUGIN_DLL' correctly to your ''
- export CC=/usr/bin/clang-17
- export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-17
- Select/Find/Make a reference image to you feature
- Implement it in renderer on CPU
- run kernel_slicer to get GPU version and be sure that code succesefully transformed to shaders
- you may work with CPU build only, but this is long ...
- Add test to python script 'testing/':
- You have to clone
- You have to run tests from 'HydraAPI-tests' repo to generate scene files
- If you don't have access to some closed test repo which is used in test, please comment out such tests. Otherwise clone these repos.
- Currently you have to set two variables in script: 'PATH_TO_HYDRA2_TESTS' and 'PATH_TO_HYDRA3_SCENS' (the last one is currently closed)
- read testing script doc
- Add you feature to specitication in specification: 'HydraAPI-tests/doc/doc_hydra_standart/hydra_spec.tex'