Demonstration of a RESTful Web API with Node.js Framework and simple blockchain implementation.
These instructions help you to set up up and to operate the project. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install nodejs and npm on your machine.
brew update
If the node already installed, check the version and upgrade to the latest version.
node -v
npm -v
brew upgrade
- NodeJS Installation operation systems - NodeJS Web Framework
- server.js - HapiJs server
- simpleChain.js - simple blockchain implementation
- package.json - NodeJS Package file, contains framework dependencies
npm install
npm init
npm install bitcoinjs-lib -save
npm install bitcoinjs-message -save
npm install crypto-js -save
npm install hapi -save
npm install joi -save
npm install level -save
npm install boom -save
npm install list-stream -save
npm install word-count -save
### Start server
node server.js
These tests describe the first initial tests. Every service section includes a request and a response.
curl http://localhost:8000/block/0
Response Example
"body":"First block in the chain - Genesis block",
A post method allows a user to register his wallet address to the services.
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8000/requestValidation" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"address": "1Rb9dFx4jVmjmyZrHCGiBStBGH4eesMXw"
Respone Example
Parameter | Description | Required |
address | Wallet address. It contains 26 - 35 characters, only numbers, and letters (upper and lower cases). | yes |
If required parameter not set or does not fit to the parameter validation:
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid request payload input"}
If address not registered and signend: Wallet Address is not registered or verified!
If the encoded story string length more then 500 Bytes: Encoded HEX String greater then 500 Bytes!
This post method that allows a user to sign a message signature. It checks the signed signature and posts the validation window. The validation window is the time in seconds till the request expires.
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8000/message-signature/validate" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"address": "1Rb9dFx4jVmjmyZrHCGiBStBGH4eesMXw",
"signature": "H+PQWEHrgokD37rDKwLCU4PNh1ErFVTQZlB/XyrMvAveBb/W4sw+q62FnqD4kfVq/PXT+ODe+P7OJIf67g/Jq+M="
Respone Example
Parameter | Description | Required |
address | Wallet address. It contains 26 - 35 characters, only numbers, and letters (upper and lower cases). | yes |
signature | Signed message of the response attribute from the validate user request service. | yes |
If the address does not register: FAILED Address not register! Please start a validation request. It the time is expired: FAILED time has expired! Please start a new request.
This post method adds a star to the blockchain.
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8000/block" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"address": "1Rb9dFx4jVmjmyZrHCGiBStBGH4eesMXw",
"star": {
"dec": "-26° 29'\'' 24.9",
"ra": "16h 29m 1.0s",
"story": "Found star using"
Respone Example
"star":{"dec":"-26° 29' 24.9",
"ra":"16h 29m 1.0s",
Parameter | Description | Required |
address | Wallet address. It contains 26 - 35 characters, only numbers, and letters (upper and lower cases). | yes |
star | Star schema attributes describe as star:xxx. | yes |
star:dec | Declination | yes |
star:ra | Right ascension | yes |
star:story | ASCII String limited to 500 characters. Stored as hex encoded in the blockchain. | yes |
star:magnitude | Magnitude | no / optional |
star:constellation | Constellation | no / optional |
If required parameter not set or does not fit to the parameter validation:
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid request payload input"}
A get method that retrieves blocks from the blockchain by the wallet address.
curl "http://localhost:8000/stars/address:[ADDRESS]"
curl "http://localhost:8000/stars/address:142BDCeSGbXjWKaAnYXbMpZ6sbrSAo3DpZ"
Response Example
"star":{"dec":"-26° 29' 24.9",
"ra":"16h 29m 1.0s",
"story": "466f756e642073746172207573696e672068747470733a2f2f7777772e676f6f676c652e636f6d2f736b792f",
"storyDecoded":"Found star using"}},
"star":{"dec":"-25° 19' 13.9",
"ra":"15h 29m 1.0s",
"storyDecoded":"Looking into the sky, Major Tom!"}},
Parameter | Description | Required |
address | Wallet address. It contains 26 - 35 characters, only numbers, and letters (upper and lower cases). | yes |
If no block found the service returns following error message: No entries found for address 142BDC...
If no hash parameter set:
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}
A get method that retrieves a block from the blockchain by the block hash.
curl "http://localhost:8000/stars/hash:[HASH]"
curl "http://localhost:8000/stars/hash:5e42cef837e205d7a1420e893d69d89baaa6d2127cbc5507871dbf43d98cf19d"
Response Example
"star":{"dec":"-26° 29' 24.9",]
"ra":"16h 29m 1.0s",
"storyDecoded":"Found star using"}},
Parameter | Description | Required |
blockhash | The hash value for the request. | yes |
If the block not found the service returns following error message: Block height for Hash ... not found!
If no hash parameter set:
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}
A get method that retrieves a block from the blockchain by block height.
curl "http://localhost:8000/block/1"
Respone Example
"star":{"dec":"-26° 29' 24.9",
"ra":"16h 29m 1.0s",
"storyDecoded":"Found star using"}},
Parameter | Description | Required |
blockheight | The number of the block height for the request. If no Parameter set, the service retrieves the Genesis block (0). | yes |
If the block not found the service returns following error message: Block xxx not found!
HapiJS is a rich framework for building applications and services. The advantage is that the framework covers much work compare to express. HapiJS is plug-able and for these purposes more lightweight than sails. As a disadvantage, HapiJS has a smaller user base than express and sails.
- NodeJs - As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime.
- HapiJs - A rich framework for building applications and services.
- Stefan Zils - Initial work -
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Thank's to Udactiy Blockchain programm.