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How Zeus works

Thomas edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 5 revisions

How does Zeus bypass captchas and API calls?

Zeus has a different approach to dork scanning then most dork scanners do. What it does is the following:

  • Automates a web browser using selenium-webdriver, the web browser is automated in order to bypass API calling, IP blocking, and captchas.
  • Searches Google with your robot browser in the background by using pyvirtualdisplay to hide the running display.
  • Pulls the URL that has the search results from the automated web browser (Zeus itself never actually searches Google and only calls a Google URL once per session)
    • If the found URL is an IP blocked URL, Zeus will parse the IP blocked URL and save the true URL to a log file. You will then be able to access the URL without being blocked or answering captchas.
  • Adds all custom headers if any (proxy, user-agent, etc)
  • Parses the HTML of the search resulted URL for GET(query) parameter URL's if the -E flag is not passed or all URL's if the -E flag is passed
  • Saves them to a log file
  • Performs any other task asked (sqlmap, arguments, nmap, etc..)
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