- Objectives
- Machine Learning
- Types of Learning
- Supervised Learnojg
- Unsupervised Learning
- Reinforcment Learning
- Regression and Classification
- EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis
- Load Data
- Collect general information
- Data Visualisation
- Correlation Matirx
- More on EDA
- On to Modelling
- Split Data
- K-NN Algorithm
- Evaluating Model Performences
- Define Euclidian Distance
- 1NN with Euclidian Distance
- 3NN with Euclidian Distance
- General KNN with Different Distances
- Comparing with Sklearn
- Summary
- Where to Go Next?
- Dive into Deep Learning
- SuperDataScience Podcast with Dr Alex Antic
- Is moedl.fit() enough? a presentation by "Aakash Nain"
- Google's Machine learning Crash Course
- Bloomberg Foundations of Machine Learning