A payday 2 BLT mod that focuses on quality of life improvements
- Integrated with BLT keybinds and options system
- Restart mission on keypress
- Remove job heat penalty for doing the same heist multiple times in a row
- Force everyone to ready up (without losing assets)
- Transfer spending cash to offshore (useful for infamy)
- First you will need to download and install SuperBLT for this mod to work.
- Click the
Latest Release DLL
to download a zip containing the DLL - Extract the zip and place the DLL into your Payday 2 folder (where
is) - Run the game so it can initialize all the required components
- Download the zip from the releases section and extract the
folder into yourPayday 2/mods
folder so that the structure looks like this:
Payday 2
└─ mods
└─ SquidsQOL
├─ classes
│ ├─ globals.lua
│ ├─ settings.lua
| └─ tools.lua
├─ hooks
│ ├─ init.lua
| └─ no_job_heat.lua
├─ keybinds
│ ├─ force_ready.lua
│ ├─ job_restart.lua
| └─ open_menu.lua
├─ localization
| └─ qol_menu
| └─ en.txt
├─ menus
│ ├─ menu_main.json
| └─ setup_menu.lua
└─ mod.txt
- Enjoy the mod
If you'd like to submit translations for the mod you can clone the repo and copy the en.json
files, rename them to a supported locale abbreviation (ex. de
is german/deutsch), and translate the words on the right (they must stay inside double quotation marks). For example, "common_yes": "Yes"
translated to german would be "common_yes": "Ja"
See the list of supported locales below:
Abbreviation | Language |
chs | Simplified Chinese |
cht | Traditional Chinese |
de | German |
en | English |
es | Spanish |
fr | French |
id | Indonesian |
it | Italian |
ja | Japanese |
ko | Korean |
nl | Dutch |
pl | Polish |
pt-br | Brazilian Portuguese |
ru | Russian |
sv | Swedish |
tr | Turkish |
This started originally because I wanted a couple features that I couldn't find in other mods, or were done poorly. I'm unsure if I will continue to expand on this mod in the future but am welcome to community additions.
Below is a list of ideas that I had to implement but haven't gotten around to adding:
- Taser immunity
- Force objective hints to show up
- Move items in inventory without equipping them
- Removing the bulky payday cursor image and leaving it as the os default
- Auto ready up in lobby for afk-ing while with friends