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EthanDeng edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 4 revisions

This template uses BibTeX to generate the bibliography, the default bibliography style is aer.

If you want to use BibTeX, you must create a file named reference.bib, add bib items (from Google Scholar, Mendeley, EndNote, and etc.) to reference.bib file, then cite the bib key in the tex file. The BibTeX will automatically generate the bibliography for the reference you cited. If you want to add some non-cited reference to the bibliography, you can use

\nocite{EINAV2010,Havrylchyk2018} %or include some bibitems
\nocite{*} %include all the bibitems

Two more options cite=numbers and cite=authoryear are available in this new version, with the default setting as numbers since those major in science and technology use digital form of numbers or superscript form of super more often. For those who major in liberal arts want to use author--year of authoryear, so we set numbers as the default format. If we need to change cite=super or authoryear, please type in:

\documentclass[cite=super]{elegantbook} % set cite for super style ref style
\documentclass[cite=authoryear]{elegantbook} % set cite for author year ref style
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