HDFView in the cloud.
HDF5 has become the standard scientific data and metadata container in neutron and photon facilities. There is a large number of supporting tools ranging from standalone browsers like HDFView to python modules like h5py. We designed and developed a web-based equivalent for HDFView which adds additional functionality. We call it h5nuvola. Cloud file browsing, data visualisation services, and selective exporting of data are allowed. Its modular architecture includes an API facilitating data and metadata exploration through REST services. Back-end tasks are based on the Python framework Flask. HDF5 files are accessed through h5py. Bokeh plotting library handles the visualisation. The front-end uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. A fully functional prototype of h5nuvola is planned to be integrated with Elettra’s Virtual Unified Office. Integration with Jupyter is in the roadmap.
Click on the link below to see a Jupyter Notebook live demo:
- Python 2.7
- Flask
- h5py
- Numpy
- Bokeh
- JS
- jsTree
- jQuery