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Quick-start Docker environments for local WordPress, Laravel and other PHP development.

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Docker Development Environments

Rapidly start your local development using purpose built Docker containers for our development projects.


  • Add a complete docker environment to your repo with minimal effort
  • Support a standard project layout, compatible with TriPoint Hosting
  • Provide multiple configurations for different project requirements

Supported Environments

Name docker-compose file OS Web Server NodeJS / NPM Database PHP Composer Cron WP CLi
wordpress docker-compose-wordpress.yml Linux Apache 12 / 6 MySQL 8 PHP 8
lamp-8 docker-compose-lamp-8.yml Linux Apache 12 / 6 MySQL 8 PHP 8
lamp-7 docker-compose-lamp-7.yml Linux Apache 12 / 6 MySQL 5.7 PHP 7
lapp-8 docker-compose-lapp-8.yml Linux Apache 12 / 6 Postgres 14 PHP 8
lapp-7 docker-compose-lapp-7.yml Linux Apache 12 / 6 Postgres 11 PHP 7
memcached docker-compose-memcached.yml Linux


  1. Install Docker-Compose (i.e. Docker Desktop on Windows)
  2. Organize your repository's source code under a src/ folder to match TriPoint's hosting directory structure. src/httpdocs/ is the public web path and src/private/ is a private web path.
├── httpdocs/
└── private/

Getting Started

  1. Choose which development environment you need (e.g. lamp-8)
  2. Copy and paste the yaml file for that environment (i.e. docker-compose-lamp-8.yml) to docker-compose.yml in your project's root directory.
  3. docker-compose up -d

Images will be pulled down from this project's container registry and your src/ folder mounted to the web container. Default access settings:

Default connection settings

default web settings:

default mysql settings:

  • local port: 3307 (3306 from container)
  • host: mysql
  • user: root
  • pass: Pass@1234
  • name: development

default postgres settings:

  • local port: 5433 (5432 from container)
  • host: postgres
  • user: root
  • pass: Pass@1234
  • name: development

default memcached settings:

  • port: 11211

Logging into the web container

It's recommended that you perform command line operations like composer, php artisan, and npm install from inside the web container. From your repository's root (where docker-compose.yml was installed), execute:

docker-compose exec web bash

From the container, you can perform normal command line operations such as:

cd private/
composer install
php artisan migrate
npm install

Updating existing containers

From time to time you may need to rebuild your Docker containers to pull an updated version of these images for your project. Typically, the web container sees the most updates and can be rebuilt painlessly.

Rebuild the web container:

docker-compose stop web
docker-compose rm web
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d web

If an updated database image is available (less common), you may want to backup your existing database before rebuilding your database container. Rebuilding the database container will delete your existing database permanently.

Rebuild the db container (this will delete your db data):

docker-compose stop mysql
docker-compose rm mysql
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d mysql

Customizing database

To override the default development database, you may create a mysql-on-init or postgres-on-init folder and add .sql/.sh files to preload a database when your container is initialized. Each environment has a sample mysql-on-init or postgres-on-init folder that you may copy into your repository to get started. Finally, you need to uncomment the volume in your docker-compose.yml to use that folder.

copy mysql-on-init/00000-create-db.sql to repository

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`development` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;

then uncomment in docker-compose.yml

- "./mysql-on-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"

copy postgres-on-init/00000-create-db.sql to repository



echo "Restoring DB using $file"
psql -U postgres --dbname=postgres -c "CREATE USER $DBUSER;"
psql -U postgres --dbname=postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE $DBNAME;"
psql -U postgres --dbname=postgres -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE $DBNAME TO $DBUSER;"
psql -U postgres --dbname=$DBNAME < "$DUMPFILE" || exit 1

then uncomment in docker-compose.yml

- "./postgres-on-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"

Customizing Configs

Under each environment is a conf/ directory (i.e. build-lamp-8/conf/). You may copy this folder into your repository root directory. Customize the included configs (e.g. php.ini) as needed. Then uncomment the volumes in your local docker-compose.yml to mount those configs:


  - "./conf/php/custom.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/custom.ini"


  - "./conf/mysql/custom.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/custom.cnf"


  - "./postgres-on-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"

Adding Memcached

Some projects may require use of memcached (e.g. clustered production cache store). You can add memcached with a few steps:

  1. Add the memcached environment to your project's docker-compose.yml:
      - "11211:11211"
  1. Link the memcached environment into the needed container (e.g. web)
      - 'memcached:memcached'
  1. If adding memcached to an existing PHP project, verify that the PHP extensions is loaded (i.e. conf/php/custom.ini)

You can now access memcached from your container using the hose memcached and port 11211.

Deployer Support

If you are using PHP Deployer to handle deployments, a volume mount point exists for deploy.php. This allows you to mount the Deployer config from the project root inside the container so that deployments can be made from inside the container.

Uncomment this line on the web service in docker-compose.yml:

- "./deploy.php:/var/www/vhosts/myvhost/private/deploy.php"

If your containers were running, restart them:

docker-compose restart

Login to the web server:

docker-compose exec web bash

Run deployer commands:

cd private/
dep deploy staging

Publishing Image Changes (Development Team Only)

If you have made changes to the Docker configuration, those changes should be reflected in the associated packages by publishing rebuilt images to the GitHub Container Registry. First, rebuild the containers and then push.

Logging into with Docker (password)

This method has been deprecated by GitHub and may give you issues in the future.

docker login # Use account in LastPass

Logging into with Docker (personal access token)

This is the preferred method for authenticating with GitHub's container repository.

Note: please refer to this documentation which these steps are derived from

  1. Login with your GitHub account (or an account with write access to the elevatodigital/docker-development-environments repository)
  2. Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens
  3. Generate New Token
  4. Select an appropriate Expiration setting
  5. Name the token and select the write:packages and delete:packages scopes.
  6. Record the generated token for the next steps (YOUR_TOKEN)
  7. Login to docker from the CLI

*nix systems

# save token to environmental variable

# login using the token stored in your environmental variable
echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

windows system

# save token to a text file
"YOUR_TOKEN" | Out-File -FilePath ~\.docker-development-environments-pat

# read pat from text file and supply to docker login
cat ~\.docker-development-environments-pat | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

Build & Push

Each Docker environment with changes needs to be built and pushed. This is accomplished by changing directories to each environment and running the docker build and docker push commands (formerly docker-compose build and docker-compose push).

cd build-lamp-7
docker compose build
docker compose push
cd ..

cd build-lamp-8
docker compose build
docker compose push
cd ..

cd build-lapp-7
docker compose build
docker compose push
cd ..

cd build-lapp-8
docker compose build
docker compose push
cd ..

cd build-wordpress
docker compose build
docker compose push
cd ..


Quick-start Docker environments for local WordPress, Laravel and other PHP development.






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