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Yummy is a recipe book web application, that allows users to save and store their recipes and access them from any device.


See deployed website

Table of content

Design and User Experience

The web app was developed following the Agile methodology, utilizing the project functionality provided by GitHub Link to the project board


  • Color palette:

    • Gradient:


    • Neutral:


    • Contrast:

    contrast contrast

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User Stories

  • As a website user I can log into my personal area so that I can save and see my own recipes and not the ones from other users.

  • As a first-time user I can receive a confirmation email when I sign up so that I know I entered the correct email.

  • As a user I can reset my password so that I can recover access if I forgot my password.

  • As a user I can have a dashboard with a clean design and clear navigation so that I know how to use all the features.

  • As a user I can see and edit my personal information so that I can keep my information up to date.

  • As a user I can add my recipe so that I can have them saved and I am able to review them whenever I need.

  • As a user I can click on my recipes cards so that I can see all the details.

  • As a user I can edit my recipes so that I don't need to delete them and add them from scratch if I want to change something.

  • As a user I can delete a recipe so that I can keep just the ones I like.

  • As a user I can search my recipes by name so that I don't have to scroll all the recipes to find the one I need.

  • As a user I can see some random suggestions so that I can be inspired by my previous recipes.

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Database Models

There are four needed models: User, Recipe, Ingredient, UserProfileImage.

  • User: The User model is provided by Django Allauth package.

The following Models are custom:

  • UserProfileImage: It is a OneToOneField that is linked to the User model. It is used to store the user profile image, which is not mandatory.

UserProfileImage Model

  • Recipe: It is a model that stores the recipe information. It is linked to the User model, so that each user can have their own recipes.

Recipe Model

  • Ingredient: It is a model that stores the ingredients information. It is linked to the Recipe model, so that each recipe can have their own ingredients.

Ingredient Model

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Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe Mobile Wireframe


Desktop Wireframe Desktop Wireframe Desktop Wireframe Desktop Wireframe Desktop Wireframe Desktop Wireframe

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Landing page

The landing page is the first page that the user sees when they visit the website. It is a simple page with a call to action button that redirects the user to the signup or login page (if they are not logged in), or to the dashboard (if they are logged in).

  • Login

    • the user can use both username or password to login.
    • They have the option to reset the password if needed.

Login Page

  • Signup

    • The user must enter a valid email address and a password.
    • The user will receive a confirmation email to verify the email address.

Login Page

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  • Header

    • The header contains the user handle, the user profile image (or an icon if the user has not uploaded an image), and the navigation bar.

    • The navigation bar collapses into a sidebar on mobile devices.

    • The user can click on the user profile image to access the profile page.

    • The navigation bar allows access to the following features:

      • Home - redirects to the home page.

      • Add recipe - redirects to the add recipe page.

      • All recipes - redirects to another page where the user can see all their recipes.

      • Logout - logs out the user and redirects to the landing page.



Header desktop


Side Nav Mobile

  • No recipe message

    • If the user has not added any recipe, the dashboard will show a message that prompts the user to add a recipe.

    No recipes

  • Search

    • The user can search the recipes by name from the dashboard.

    • If the user clicks on the name of the recipes in the search result they are redirected to the recipe detail page.


Search bar

  • Categories

    • The Categories section contains the list of tags that the user entered for their recipes.

    • The suer can click on the tag to be redirected to a new page with the recipes filtered by the selected tag.


  • Suggestions

    • Not all the recipes are displayed on the dashboard, so that it can remain more clear and it is easier for the user to find the desired feature.

    • Although up to 5 random recipes are displayed, so that the user can be inspired by the previously added recipes.

    • This section contains also a quick-link to access the "my recipes" page, where the user can access all the added recipes.


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My Recipes

In this page the user can see all their recipes.

  • Filters

    • The user can filter by keywords in title, by one or multiple tags, and/or by difficulty.


  • Results

    • The results are displayed in cards, split in multiple pages if needed, up to six results per page.

    • The user can easily change page using the paginator right underneeth the results.



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  • Create

    • The add_recipe view offers the main Create functionality to the user, so that they can add and save their recipes.

    • The required fields are marked with an asterisc.

    • The ingredients and procedure are implemented using a formset, so that the user can add as many igredients/steps as they want, by adding and removing ingredient/step lines.


Add Recipe Form

  • Read

    • The user can click on any recipe card (from the suggestions sections or from my_recipes page) to see all the recipe details.

    • The layout changes on mobile, to allow a cleaner view of the details.

Screenshots Mobile:




  • Update

    • On the top right corner of the detail page there is an edit button.

    • The edit buttons redirects to the edit page, which uses the same form of the 'add recipe' page, but all the fields are pre-populated with the current details.

  • Delete

    • Next to the edit button there is a delete button.

    • When the delete button is clicked, a model opens for the user to confirm if they really wish to delete the recipe.


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Profile page

From this page the user can review and manage the profile and login information.

  • Profile image

    • The user can click on the edit button to upload or change a profile image.
Screenshot No image uploaded:

Profile Image

Image uploaded:

Profile Image

  • Profile details

    • This section includes the current username, email, and password.

    • There is an edit button next to each detail, so that the user can update each information individually.

    • The password is not shown for security reasons.

    Profile details

  • Change username

    • The username can be edited in place.

    • The system will check that the new username is not already taken, and that it is valid.

    • An error message will be displayed if the username is not valid.

    Change username

  • Manage email

    • The 'manage email' functionality is provided by Django Allauth package.

    • The edit button redirects to a new page where the user can add or remove email addresses, change the primary email address and re-verify them.


Manage email

  • change password

    • The 'change passowrd' functionlity is also managed by Django Allauth package.

    • When clicking on the edit button the user is redirected to a new page, where they can change the password, or click on the 'Forgot Passord' link, if they need to reset it.


Change password

  • Logout

    • In the profile page there is also a quick-link to log out, which works in the same way as the 'log out' button in the header.

    • Clicking on the button will open a modal, where the user need to confirm that they really want to log out.


Log out button

  • Delete account

    • The user has the option to delete the account.

    • The account deletion is a permanent action, and it will also remove all the recipes associated to the user.

    • For this reason the user needs to check a box and confirm that they really want to permanently delete their account.


Delete Account

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Check testing here


Live website

To deply this project on Heroku I followed these steps:

  1. Access my Heroku account (or create one)
  2. Click on Add App
  3. Go to Settings > Config Vars
  4. Add the config KEY and VALUE from my file
  5. Go to deploy tab
  6. Select GitHub as deploy method
  7. Select the relevant GitHub repository
  8. Click on deploy branch

Local Deployment

For a local deployment follow these steps:

  • Create a new directory on your machine, where you want do deploy the files
  • Open the existing repository in GitHub
  • Go to the "Code" tab
  • Click on the "Code" button
  • Copy the HTTPS link
  • Open your terminal and run the command git clone 'link'
  • use the link just copied, without quotes, instead of 'link'

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The following Images are taken from Unsplash

  • Background image is from Mae Mu

The favicon is from Icons8

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Technologies used

Languages used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Django

Other libraries:

  • Materialize CSS - UI component library to simplify the styling
  • JQuery - JavaScript library to simplify the management of functionalities handled by JavaScript

Python libraries:

  • Coverage - tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs
  • Pillow - Python Imaging Library to simplify the upload of images
  • Requests - Python library for making HTTP requests

Django libraries, frameworks and applications:

  • Allauth - To manage the user registration and authentication
  • Formset_factory - to work with multiple forms on the same page
  • Inlineformset_factory - to update a number of identical forms on the same page
  • Django-filters - reusable application that allows users to filter down a queryset based on a model's fields
  • Messages - framework hat allows you to temporarily store messages in one request and retrieve them for display in a subsequent request

Database and storage:

  • PostgreSQL - Relational database system
  • Psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
  • ElephantSQL - Host for the databased used y the live website
  • Cloudinary - To store the images and static files

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A special thank to my mentor Dick Vlaanderen for his precious feedback on this project.

Many thanks also to the tutor Ed, who helped me troubleshoot an issue happening with the inline formset.


Recipe book






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