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nrr-frr - client scripts for newrepo/findrepo

Written in 2018, 2019 by Eliah Kagan <>.

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see

The nrr, frr, and frrd commands run on a client machine. They connect to a server, where they run newrepo (nrr) or findrepo (frr and frrd). See newrepo-findrepo.

The files nrr, frr, and frrd provide those commands for Unix-like environments, while nrr.cmd, frr.cmd, and frrd.cmd provide them on Windows.

Installation on Unix-like operating systems

  1. Run ./deploy.

  2. Make a file in your home directory (i.e., in $HOME) called .nrr-frr-server consisting of a single line with the hostname or IP address of the server you want the scripts to run newrepo and findrepo on.

    This shouldn't be a full URL, just a hostname or IP address. For example:

Installation on Windows

To install these scripts:

  1. Copy the .cmd files to a directory listed in your %PATH% environment variable.

  2. Make a file in your home directory (i.e., in %USERPROFILE%) called .nrr-frr-server consisting of a single line with the hostname or IP address of the server you want the scripts to run newrepo and findrepo on.

    This shouldn't be a full URL, just a hostname or IP address. For example:

What Each Command Does

nrr stands for "new remote repo." Running nrr RepoName makes a remote repo RepoName.git.

frr stands for "find remote repo." Running frr RepoName gives the URL of the repo of that name, or suggests similar repo names if there is no repo by that name.

frrd stands for "find remote repo (debug)." frrd is like frr, except that you get lots of internal information about how the guessing algorithm (for names that are not found) works, which you likely only want if you are debugging findrepo (the frr backend) or are just curious.

Known Bugs

  • The .cmd files (for Windows) require %GIT_SSH% to be set. They don't fall back to ssh when %GIT_SSH% expands to an empty string. This is in undesirable contrast to the shell scripts (for Unix-like systems), which do use ssh when $GIT_SSH expands to an empty string.

  • I think quoting can be improved in the .cmd files.

    I think there may be a way to use %0 instead of frr, where backslashes and other special characters are quoted for both the client shell (that runs this script) and the server shell (that SSH runs). This would correspond to the behavior of the shell scripts.

  • The name nrr-frr is clunky, though newrepo-findrepo is even worse. I'm holding off on changing either to anything nicer until I decide if newrepo-findrepo and nrr-frr should continue to be developed in separate repositories or joined.

    (Note that this is not about the command names, which are fine, but just about the names of the projects/repositories.)


client scripts for newrepo/findrepo







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