In 2013 I started learning how to develop Android applications. Then for testing my skills i decided to do this simple Android game, using none third party libraries, just what came with the Android SDK at the moment.
You will see a simple game alike to the Cat vs the mouse, so it will have some tunable Artificial Intelligence. It has sounds and images from "Angry Bird", so it looks like acceptable.
I began the project using Eclipse but later i runned it in Android Studio with no issues.
Create the keystore:
echo y | keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=CatchThePig, ou=CatchThePig, o=EliuX, c=EC" -alias business -keypass kpi135 -keystore catchthepig.keystore -storepass abc123 -validity 9999
Just Java and the Android SDK.
Special thanks to for introducing me how to do it with his cat vs the mouse algorithm made in C#.
- E-mail: Write me to or for any questions or remarks
- Skype: I use skype very seldom with the id 'eliecer.hdz'
Use it for educational purposses only.