On an Ubuntu 18.04+ x86_64/AMD64 system :
# sudo apt install build-essential bc git qemu debootstrap qemu-user-static parted dosfstools bison flex
NOTE: On Ubuntu 18.04, please fetch the qemu-user-static package from Ubuntu 18.10. (for instance: http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/q/qemu/qemu-user-static_2.12+dfsg-3ubuntu8.2_amd64.deb)
# ./init.sh
# ./build_linux.sh
# sudo ./linux-image.sh
# sudo ./clean.sh
Image will be in the same directory.
Simply dd it onto an SDCard like :
# sudo dd if=aml-s905x-cc-ubuntu-cosmic-linux-4.19.5-dirty-2018-11-30.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=8M
- Username: libre
- Password: computer
Enjoy !