This is a small set of view helpers to render specific Twitter Bootstrap (v2.1) markup.
$view = new Zend_View();
$view->addHelperPath('/path/to/zend/twitter/bootstrap/src', 'Twitter');
$view->addHelperPath('/path/to/zend/twitter/bootstrap/src/Twitter/Bootstrap/Tables/Table', 'Twitter_Bootstrap_Tables_Table');
$view->addHelperPath('/path/to/zend/twitter/bootstrap/src/Twitter/Bootstrap/Typography', 'Twitter_Bootstrap_Typography');
echo $view->lead('Hi from Twitter\'s Bootstrap!');
There are three view helpers to render images
echo $this->roundedImage('/image.jpg', array('alt' => 'image alt attribute', 'class' => 'class'));
echo $this->circledImage('/image.jpg', array('alt' => 'image alt attribute', 'class' => 'class'));
echo $this->polaroidImage('/image.jpg', array('alt' => 'image alt attribute', 'class' => 'class'));
This view helper is specially suited to render Twitter's Bootstrap tables easily. Here is an example
// Inside a phtml/tpl file
$table = $this->table(array('class' => 'example'));
$row = $table->row();
->add('cell', array('class' => 'odd'))
// And the same for STATE_ERROR and STATE_INFO
$rowSuccess = $table->row();
->add('cell', array('class' => 'odd'))
$header = $table->row();
->setCaption('Table caption')
echo $table;
<?php echo $this->blockquote('Hello World!', 'Blockquote source', 'Blockquote cite'); ?>
<?php echo $this->lead('Hello World!'); ?>
$isPreScollable = true;
<?php echo $this->code('<p>Code example</p>', $isPreScollable); ?>