This is my final project accomplished during Google Front-End Development Nanodegree Program at Udacity. It is a simple application that fetches information about over 60 Japanese restaurants in Warsaw. One can filter them by district and get additional info, like location and average rating.
Project made with React and bootstraped from create-react-app
<App /
<Loading />
<Error />
<Header />
<Sidebar />
<Map />
<GoogleMapReact />
<Marker />
<InfoWindow />
<Footer />
The project needs to be installed on your local machine.
Download or clone the repository git clone
and do the following:
to jpn-in-warsaw folder- in your terminal run
npm install
to install all the project dependencies - start the development server with
npm start
- usually the site opens automatically, if not please visit http://localhost:3000
The service worker is implemented ONLY during production build.
- Google Map React -
- Restaurant data from Zomato
- All icons come from Flaticon
- CSS spinner used in Loading component from Tobias Ahlin
- Hamburger menu and its animation from Jon Suh
- Styles for map SnazzyMaps
The content of this repository is free and is licensed under a MIT Licence.