Arboretum is a project to explore the potential of displaying expressions and their types as visual trees in a browsers. In the course of this project, we have begun building a new functional language, TreeScript (working name).
All of the language type checking and evaluation, as well as the rendering, is performed in Elm. Lexing and Parsing is handled by Chevrotain, a parsing library written in Javascript.
After cloning the git repo, make sure you download Chevrotain, our parsing library:
npm install chevrotain
Also make sure you download browserify, which we use to bundle all of the projects dependencies.
npm install -g browserify
To build the webpage, two javascript files need to be built: main.js
containing the compiled Elm code, and bundle.js containing the parser and its
dependencies. The bash script
automates the process, so run it
now, and after any changes to Elm or JavaScript code to propagate the changes
into the webpage.