For getting the code to work in virtual environment you need to follow certain steps
Step 1 - Download the ZIP file of the code
Step 2 - Extract the ZIP file
Step 3 - Setup the Android Studio with virtual device
Step 4 - open the project in Android Studio and wait for the built to be completed
Step 5 - Run the virtual device which will display this application
Download the application in your android device by clicking here!• After opening the app, Register as a new user:-
• Login with registered username and password:-
• After login, you will land on the home interface of the application:-
• Now you can navigate through different features:-
- "Laws" will display sections regarding Civil laws, Criminal laws and RTO laws listed in Indian Constitution.
- "Lawyers" will help you to fix an appointment with different lawyers and ask for legal aids.
- "Headlines" shows recent headlines or important news.
- "Settings" shows information regarding the application as of now.
- "Logout" will log you out of your current log in account.