AiiDA plugin for the Aurora project (autonomous robotic battery innovation platform). A collaboration between EPFL & Empa, within the BIG-MAP Stakeholder Initiative Call 2021-2023.
: Github Actions configurationci.yml
: runs tests, checks test coverage and builds documentation at every new commitpublish-on-pypi.yml
: automatically deploy git tags to PyPI - just generate a PyPI API token for your PyPI account and add it to thepypi_token
secret of your github repository
: The main source code of the plugin packagedata/
: A newDiffParameters
data class, used as input to theDiffCalculation
: A newDiffCalculation
: Extensions of theverdi data
command line interface for theDiffParameters
: Helpers for setting up an AiiDA code fordiff
: A newParser
for theDiffCalculation
: A documentation template ready for publication on Read the Docsexamples/
: An example of how to submit a calculation using this plugintests/
: Basic regression tests using the pytest framework (submitting a calculation, ...). Installpip install -e .[testing]
and runpytest
: Configuration of tool reporting which lines of your plugin are covered by tests.gitignore
: Telling git which files to ignore.pre-commit-config.yaml
: Configuration of pre-commit hooks that sanitize coding style and check for syntax errors. Enable viapip install -e .[pre-commit] && pre-commit install
: Configuration of documentation build for Read the DocsLICENSE
: License for your
: Configure non-Python files to be included for publication on
: This file
pip install aiida-aurora
verdi quicksetup # better to set up a new profile
verdi plugin list aiida.calculations # should now show your calclulation plugins
Here goes a complete example of how to submit a test calculation using this plugin.
A quick demo of how to submit a calculation:
verdi daemon start # make sure the daemon is running
cd examples
./ # run test calculation
verdi process list -a # check record of calculation
The plugin also includes verdi commands to inspect its data types:
verdi data aurora list
verdi data aurora export <PK>
git clone .
cd aiida-aurora
pip install -e .[pre-commit,testing] # install extra dependencies
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v # discover and run all tests
See the developer guide for more information.
This project was supported by the Open Research Data Program of the ETH Board.
- Edan Bainglass (
- Francisco F. Ramirez (
- Loris Ercole (
- Giovanni Pizzi (