My implementation of the Ray Tracing In One Weekend series.
- Materials (Lambertain, Metallic, Dielectric)
- Camera Positioning
- Ray interactions:
- Reflection
- Refraction/Transmission
- Global-Illumination
- Multi-Threading
For Multi-Threading, I have designed the implementation as follows:
- Spawn X number of threads (by default will spawn the max number of threads available).
- Using atomic variables, each thread will pick a row to compute.
- Once a row has been finished, the thread will move onto the next free row.
- Once all rows have been calculated, they are reordered in an array and then written to a .ppm file.
The image below has a resolution of 2560x1440. Rendered with 100 samples per pixel with a ray depth of 50.
On a Ryzen 7 3700x, utlizing all 16 threads at 4.0GHz all-core, the entire image was rendered in 5 minutes 46 seconds. This is almost a 10x improvement on the inital single-threaded version.