Releases: EnFlexIT/AgentWorkbench
Releases · EnFlexIT/AgentWorkbench
AgentWorkbench v2.4.2
AgentWorkbench v2.3.2
- Several updates, bug fixes and improvements
- Full Changelog**: v2.3.0...v2.3.2
AgentWorkbench v2.3.0
- Updated Target platform and AWB-base to Eclipse RCP-version 4.26 (2022-12)
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Full Changelog**: v2.2.6...v2.3.0
AgentWorkbench v2.2.6
- Updated Target platform and AWB-base to Eclipse RCP-version 4.24 (2022-06)
- Replaces several own bundle by Maven dependencies
- Adds a general Phonebook approach for JADE agents
- Introduces update check against p2-repository, even if you're starting from the IDE
- MainWindow: menu item revision (showin links to GitHub and GitBook)
- Indroduces controll for the positioning of JDialogs while using multiple screens
- Bug fixes and improvements
Agent.Workbench Database-Feature
- Added MariaDB & PostgreSQL connectors; update MySQL connector
- Introduces OSGI-Service 'HibernateDatabaseConnectionService' to create database connections
- Adds a central database configuration dialog to Agent.Workbench
Agent.Workbench WS-Feature
- Introduces simple security checks / hander to access a REST-API
- Adds individual Swagger 1.x, 2.x bundles to feature
- Introduces menu- and toolbar icons for configuration
- Introduces first approach to configure credentials of REST-clients
AgentWorkbench v2.2.3
- Updated Target platform and AWB-base to Eclipse RCP-version 4.23 (2022-03)
- Replaced own JAXB bundle by default implementation from Maven (jaxb-impl-2.3.6) and corresponding fragment bundle (de.enflexit.jaxb.impl.binding)
- Bug fixes and improvements
Graph and Network Environment
- Added NetworkModelExportService as option to add customized export functionalities
- Revised load process of the GraphEnvironmentController
New Feature: "Agent.Workbench WS-Feature"
- Provided OSGI-services to create own Jetty server-instances or own servlet handler for specific server instances
- Integrated Jetty, Jersey, Gson and Swagger to enable the creation of REST API 's in AWB
- Defined base structure to provide an extendable AWB REST-API
AgentWorkbench v2.2.2-beta.1
- Added Time Zone / ZoneId configuration for projects
- Updated Target platform and AWB-base to Eclipse RCP-version 4.2.2 (2021-12)
- Bug fixes and improvements
AgentWorkbench v2.2.1-beta.1
First Java 11 build of Agent.Workbench. Thus, an installation of a Java 11 Runtime or a JDK is required to work with AWB.
- Configured bundles to run under Java 11
- Build processes were updated to tycho 2.4
- Updated several library bundles as OSHI, Jung and other
- Updated Target platform and AWB-base to Eclipse RCP-version 4.21
- Bug fixes and improvements
AgentWorkbench v2.1.19-beta.1
- Added correct fragment bundle for logging - removed unused fragments
- Updated OSHI to version 5.7.1 to also launch on new macOS systems
- Updated JFreeChart to version 1.5.2'
- Removed own BouncyCastle bundle; took bouncy castle library from orbit repository
- Removed google translate functions in Translation dialog
- Removed unused JEP library as well as package agentgui.math.calculation
- Solved TimeModel / ApplicationEvent problems when loading a setup
- Resolved possible MalformedURLException for Project updates
- Resolved problem with JADE state files when starting the platform
- Resolved possible exception for JADE shutdown in simulations
- Added further user information for the predictive load balancing
- Introduced TimeZoneWidget in common bundle
- Revised CSV writer/controller to handle system dependent separators for decimal and float values'
Graph and Network Environment
- Startet with Map integration
- Fixed problems while switching orthogonal line directions in corresponding layout
- Introduced general NetworkComponentSelectionDialog
AgentWorkbench v2.1.18-beta.1
- Moved to new Eclipse-RCP version (2020-06)
- Integrated native bundles for windows & linux for network connections using proxy
- Enabled project repository download for password protected http / https directories
- Bug fixing
- Improvments with the documentation
AgentWorkbench v2.1.17-beta.1
- Moved to new Eclipse-RCP version (2020-03)
- Introduced 'latest' p2-Update-Site (
- First steps for Java versions greater then 1.8
- Introduced own JAXB bunlde to overcome the missing structure in Java 9 and higher
- Bug-Fixxing
- GitBook improvements (see
Bundle org.awb.env.networkModel
- Enabled GraphEnvironmentController to partially reload data for NetworkElements