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Releases: EndstoneMC/endstone


25 Mar 17:59
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This is an update that adds support for the latest version of Minecraft - Spring to Life

Game version: v1.21.70

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.70.
  • Introduced the Service API, enabling plugins to register services that can be utilized by other plugins.
  • Implemented dependency resolution for the plugin manager.
  • Anonymous enums are now supported in command registration. For example, instead of writing
    /home (add|remove)<action: HomeAction>, you can now simply write /home <add|remove>.
  • Inventory API: Added a basic ItemMeta API, allowing you to get and set the display name and lore of an item.
  • Inventory API: Introduced various methods to get and set items in armor slots as well as main/off-hand slots.
  • Inventory API: Added methods to get and set the selected hotbar slot.


  • Fixed a crash caused by a conflict with the event system of the scripting API.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: DataPacketReceiveEvent and DataPacketSendEvent have been renamed to PacketReceiveEvent
    PacketSendEvent, respectively. Both events now provide a packet ID and payload instead of a data field.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Player::sendPacket now requires a packet ID and payload as arguments instead of a Packet
  • Add tint type for block to DevTools by @smartcmd in #161

Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.7.0


09 Mar 15:28
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This release addresses various bugs and crashes and improves stability.

Game version: v1.21.62

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.62.
  • Added DataPacketReceiveEvent and DataPacketSendEvent to allow viewing/intercepting low-level packet payloads.
  • Added Actor::remove to remove an actor from its associated dimension.
  • Dump item components & creative group by @smartcmd in #137
  • Python API: Added Dimension.get_highest_block_at to get the top non-air block at a given coordinate.


  • Usages are now displayed correctly as percentages in /status command output.
  • Boss bars are now displayed correctly.
  • Death messages are no longer sent when the SHOW_DEATH_MESSAGES game rule is set to false.
  • Command feedback is now suppressed when the SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK game rule is set to false.
  • PlayerJoinEvent is now triggered after the client is fully initialized.
  • Crash reporting now works properly on Linux.

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2


20 Feb 12:37
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This is a hotfix that resolves a crash that could happen during command execution.

Game version: v1.21.60

Minecraft - Version


  • Resolved a crash caused by ProxiedCommandSender

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1


19 Feb 21:11
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Game version: v1.21.60

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.60.
  • Added more liquid-related data to the DevTools by @smartcmd in #113
  • Added Sentry for crash reporting.
  • Added Player::playSound, Player::stopSound, and Player::stopAllSounds for client-side sound playing.
  • Added Player::isSneaking and Player::setSneaking to toggle the sneaking mode of a player.
  • Added Player::isSprinting and Player::setSprinting to toggle the sprinting mode of a player.
  • Added PlayerGameModeChangeEvent, triggered when a player's game mode changes. This event is cancellable.
  • Added PlayerEmoteEvent, triggered when a player sends an emote.
  • Added PlayerRespawnEvent, triggered when a player respawns after death.
  • Added ActorDamageEvent, triggered when a living entity receives damage. You can cancel this event to stop the damage
    from being effective.
  • Added ActorExplodeEvent, triggered when a mob (e.g. Creeper) explodes. You can cancel this event to stop the
  • Added more statistics to the /status command (e.g., memory usage, chunk status, etc.).
  • Added damage source to ActorDeathEvent and PlayerDeathEvent to retrieve information about the damager.
  • Added a basic chunk API.
  • Added block collision data to the DevTools by @smartcmd in #132.


  • Fixed the logic of finding the Python executable associated with the current interpreter
    by @killcerr in #114.
  • Fixed the logic for parsing the message command parameter type.


  • Python API: Events that are cancellable now inherit from Cancellable. You can check if an event is cancellable
    by using isinstance(event, Cancellable).
  • Dimension::getBlockAt now returns a pointer to a Block directly instead of a Result wrapper, making the
    interface more concise. If the requested block is in an unloaded or unpopulated chunk, it returns an empty block.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.7.1...v0.6.0


24 Dec 14:22
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This is a hotfix release that resolves various issues.

Game version: v1.21.50

Minecraft - Version


  • Fixed an issue where the event.is_cancelled property in the Python binding was not writable.
  • Prevented player command execution from being printed to the console if the PlayerCommandEvent was already cancelled
    by plugins.

Full Changelog: v0.5.7...v0.5.7.1


23 Dec 21:42
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This is a minor update that fixes various issues and adds new functionalities.

Game version: v1.21.50

Minecraft - Version


  • Added getter and setter for name tags and score tags in the Actor class.
  • Added the Actor::getType function to retrieve actor types (e.g., minecraft:pig).
  • Added isNameTagAlwaysVisible and setNameTagAlwaysVisible methods to the Actor class to control the visibility of
    name tags.
  • Implemented /ban-ip and /unban-ip commands.
  • Added Server::getIpBanList for managing IP bans.
  • Added setters for fields in ServerListPingEvent by @theaddonn.
  • Added a new color code (§v).


  • Prevented a crash caused by killing a player in a form callback, which invalidated the player object.
  • Fixed an issue where the player inventory was not updated after calling clear.
  • Fixed loading of encrypted resource packs.
  • Ensured the correct plugin loader is selected when loading from a file by third-party plugin loaders
    by @engsr6982.
  • Ensured players with matching IP addresses are immediately kicked upon banning.


  • Renamed Server::getPlayerBanList to Server::getBanList.
  • Removed deprecated material from DevTools by @smartcmd.


06 Dec 19:00
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This is a minor update that adds support for the latest version of Minecraft - The Garden Awakens!!

Game version: v1.21.50

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.50 (The Garden Awakens).
  • Added Inventory::getItem and Inventory::setItem methods to manipulate a player's inventory.
  • Added Inventory::getContents method to retrieve all items in an inventory.
  • Added /ban and /unban commands to add or remove players from the deny list.
  • Added /banlist [ips|players] command to list all banned players and/or IPs.
  • Added PluginManager::loadPlugin to allow third-party plugin loaders to load plugins from single files instead of
    directories. #98


  • Fixed an issue where block_palette.nbt was dumped twice in the DevTools.


  • Added support for loading a mixture of folder packs listed in world_resource_packs.json (the conventional method)
    and zipped packs in .zip or .mcpack format placed under resource_packs.


26 Oct 08:24
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This is a minor update that adds support for the latest version of Minecraft - Bundles of Bravery!!

Game version: v1.21.40/41

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.40/41 (Bundles of Bravery).
  • CommandSender will now be downcast to the correct derived type on the Python side.
  • Added the Objective::isDisplayed method to check if an objective is being displayed in any of the scoreboard slots.
  • Added Server::getOnlineMode to check if the server is running with authentication enabled.
  • Added Actor::getScoreboardTags to get the list of tags added to the actor.
  • Added Actor::addScoreboardTag and Actor::removeScoreboardTag to modify the actor's tags.
  • Added support for loading zipped resource packs. You can now put .zip and .mcpack resource packs under
    the resource_packs folder, and they will be loaded automatically when the server starts.
  • Added support for encrypted resource packs. You can put the keys in the .zip.key or .mcpack.key format next to the
    resource packs.
  • Added the ScriptMessageEvent, which will get called when a script message is sent using the /scriptevent command.
  • Added Server::getLanguage to translate a message into a specific locale.
  • Added Actor::getHealth, Actor::setHealth, and Actor::getMaxHealth for getting and setting actor health.
  • Added CommandSenderWrapper to capture the output of command execution for any command sender.
  • Added Player::spawnParticle to send a particle effect that is only visible to the player.


  • Error messages from DevTools, when OpenGL is not available, are now suppressed.
  • The return type of several methods has been changed to endstone::Result to include error messages, which will
    automatically throw exceptions with the same messages on the Python side.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred while handling server ping
    requests (#60).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.4.1...v0.5.5


19 Sep 16:49
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This is a hotfix release that resolves a crash that could occur.

Game version: v1.21.30

Minecraft - Version


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the player uses emotes.

Full Changelog: v0.5.4...v0.5.4.1


19 Sep 13:35
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This is a minor update that adds the support for the latest version of Minecraft

Game version: v1.21.30

Minecraft - Version


  • Added support for Minecraft v1.21.30.
  • Added support for Python 3.13.
  • Added biome data to the DevTools by @CoolLoong.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Player::performCommand now executes the command as a Player to
    resolve #53. This means the command execution will now depend on
    the player's permissions as operator permissions are no longer granted. If you still want to have the player perform a
    command with elevated permissions, consider using Server::dispatchCommand to execute
    execute as {player_name} run {command}.


  • Actor::isOnGround, Actor::isInWater, and Actor::isInLava now return the correct values.
  • Fixed a typo in the documentation by @thatgurkangurk.
  • Fixed the command parser logic for chained commands.
  • Fixed a server crash when spawning a simulated player due to the absence of an invalid network identifier.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.5.4