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Sanic integration with Webargs.

Parsing and validating request arguments: headers, arguments, cookies, files, json, etc.

IMPORTANT: From version 2.0.0 webargs-sanic requires you to have webargs >=7.0.1. Please be aware of changes happened in version of webargs > 6.0.0. If you need support of webargs 5.x with no location definition, please use previous version(1.5.0) of this module from pypi.

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webargs is a Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks. webargs-sanic allows you to use it for Sanic apps. To read more about webargs usage, please check Quickstart

Example Code

Simple Application

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text

from webargs import fields
from webargs_sanic.sanicparser import use_args

app = Sanic(__name__)

hello_args = {
    'name': fields.Str(required=True)

@use_args(hello_args, location="query")
async def index(request, args):
    return text('Hello ' + args['name'])

Class-based Sanic app and args/kwargs

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
from sanic.response import json

from webargs import fields
from webargs_sanic.sanicparser import use_args, use_kwargs

app = Sanic(__name__)

class EchoMethodViewUseArgs(HTTPMethodView):
    @use_args({"val": fields.Int()}, location="form")
    async def post(self, request, args):
        return json(args)

app.add_route(EchoMethodViewUseArgs.as_view(), "/echo_method_view_use_args")

class EchoMethodViewUseKwargs(HTTPMethodView):
    @use_kwargs({"val": fields.Int()}, location="query")
    async def post(self, request, val):
        return json({"val": val})

app.add_route(EchoMethodViewUseKwargs.as_view(), "/echo_method_view_use_kwargs")

Parser without decorator with returning errors as JSON

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json

from webargs import fields
from webargs_sanic.sanicparser import parser, HandleValidationError

app = Sanic(__name__)

@app.route("/echo_view_args_validated/<value>", methods=["GET"])
async def echo_use_args_validated(request, args):
    parsed = await parser.parse(
        {"value": fields.Int(required=True, validate=lambda args: args["value"] > 42)}, request, location="view_args"
    return json(parsed)

# Return validation errors as JSON
async def handle_validation_error(request, err):
    return json({"errors": err.exc.messages}, status=422)

More complicated custom example

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic import response
from sanic import Blueprint

from webargs_sanic.sanicparser import use_kwargs

from some_CUSTOM_storage import InMemory

from webargs import fields
from webargs import validate

import marshmallow.fields
from validate_email import validate_email

#usually this should not be here, better to import ;)
#please check examples for more info
class Email(marshmallow.fields.Field):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Email, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _deserialize(self, value, attr, obj):
        value = value.strip().lower()
        if not validate_email(value):
        return value

user_update = {
    'user_data': fields.Nested({
        'email': Email(),
        'password': fields.Str(validate=lambda value: len(value)>=8),
        'first_name': fields.Str(validate=lambda value: len(value)>=1),
        'last_name': fields.Str(validate=lambda value: len(value)>=1),
        'middle_name': fields.Str(),
        'gender': fields.Str(validate=validate.OneOf(["M", "F"])),
        'birth_date': fields.Date(),
    'user_id': fields.Str(required=True, validate=lambda x:len(x)==32),

blueprint = Blueprint('app')
storage = InMemory()

@use_kwargs(user_update, location="json_or_form")
async def update_user(request, user_id, user_data):
    storage.update_or_404(user_id, user_data)
    return response.text('', status=204)

app = Sanic(__name__)
app.blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/')

For more examples and checking how to use custom validations (phones, emails, etc.) please check apps in Examples


It is easy to do from pip

pip install webargs-sanic

or from sources

git clone
cd webtest-sanic
python install

Running the tests

Project uses common tests from webargs package. Thanks to Steven Loria for sharing tests in webargs v4.1.0. Most of tests are run by webtest via webtest-sanic. Some own tests get run via Sanic's TestClient.

To be sure everything is fine before installation from sources, just run:

pip -r requirements.txt

and then

python test


pytest tests/


Endurant Developers Python Team


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details