EnigmaCraft is Minecraft clone made by Core Members of Enigma Club
- Simply do:
make && ./build/engima_craft
- Open Terminal in the project root and build the shader:
For x86_64:
lib/sokol-tools-bin/bin/osx/sokol-shdc -i src/shader.glsl -o src/shader.glsl.h -l metal_macos
For ARM64:
lib/sokol-tools-bin/bin/osx_arm64/sokol-shdc -i src/shader.glsl -o src/shader.glsl.h -l metal_macos
- Build the app:
cc src/main.c lib/sokol.m -o build/enigma_craft -DSOKOL_METAL -fobjc-arc -I lib/sokol -I lib -framework Metal -framework Cocoa -framework MetalKit -framework Quartz -framework AudioToolbox
- Run the app:
- Open Terminal in the project root and build the shader:
For x86_64:
lib/sokol-tools-bin/bin/linux/sokol-shdc -i src/shader.glsl -o src/shader.glsl.h -l glsl330
- Build the app:
cc src/main.c lib/sokol.c -o build/enigma_craft -DSOKOL_GLCORE33 -pthread -I lib/sokol -I lib -lGL -ldl -lm -lX11 -lasound -lXi -lXcursor
- Run the app:
Open Terminal in Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022
Open Terminal in project root and build the shader:
lib/sokol-tools-bin/bin/win32/sokol-shdc -i src/shader.glsl -o src/shader.glsl.h -l glsl330
- Build the app:
cl src\main.c lib\sokol.c -o build\enigma_craft -Ilib\sokol -Ilib /DSOKOL_GLCORE33 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
- Run the app:
- Open Terminal in project root and build the shader:
lib/sokol-tools-bin/bin/[platform]/sokol-shdc -i src/shader.glsl -o src/shader.glsl.h -l glsl300es
- Build the app:
emcc src/main.c lib/sokol.c -o build_web/enigma_craft.html -DSOKOL_GLES3 -I lib/sokol -I lib -sUSE_WEBGL2 --shell-file=shell.html
- Run the app:
emrun build_web/enigma_craft.html