Creates Amazon's Elastic Kubernetes service and installs stateful Redis into it.
This example is based on Terraform's manual on EKS with some parts replaced by more short eks_node_group
- Install terraform
- Install aws-cli and configure it to your account
- Install kubectl and helm
- Install aws-iam-authenticator
- Run
terraform init
to download binaries for providers:aws
- Run
terraform apply
to create all the things (terraform will display what exactly and ask your consent) - Wait patiently: it will take about 15 minutes.
- Insert generated kubectl configuration into
(don't forget to switchcurrent-context
to it!) - Enjoy your cluster with
! - …
- Don't forget to drop everything with
terraform destroy
(EKS isn't eligible for free tier and costs $0,10 per hour)
For example, you can install anycable-go or imgproxy:
helm repo add anycable
helm install anycable-go anycable/anycable-go --set "ingress.enable=false,env.anycableRedisUrl=redis://:$(kubectl get secret --namespace default redis-test -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode)@redis-test-master:6379/0" --wait --atomic
Many things required for production usage: Ingress, authentication and authorization, …