Street names reflect the commemorative decisions of each municipality over time, and as such can be understood as the city’s manifesto about its social, cultural and political values. (Oto-Peralías D, 2018).
Die deutliche Absenz von konkreten Frauenfiguren im öffentlichen Raum spiegeln [...] die Schweizer Geschichtsvergessenheit in Bezug auf Frauen und ihren Ausschluss aus der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Sphäre.
-- Essay der Historikerinnen Tiziana Bonetti und Rachel Huber. In
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🌟 shows all Streets named after a Person. 🌟
This means there should no more streets missing on the map. If we missed one, please leave a note on mastodon or raise an issue in this repo. Thanks 🙌
The aim of this section is to provide an Overview on how to prepare the required data so it will be shown on the map of
Basic steps are:
- Identifiy the Street, named after a Person, on Strassennamen
- Find the Wikidata-Item of this street
- Find the Wikidata-Item of the Person
- Link the Street-Wikidata-Item with the Person-Wikidata-Item
- Link the Street-Wikidata-Item with the Geometry on OpenStreetMap
See following sections to find out more in detail.
- Find a Street that you know it is named after a Person (or something else).
- Doublecheck with description from offizielle Strassenverzeichnis des Kanton Basel-Stadt
- Search at
- Or: Take a look at the List of all Streets in Basel in Wikidata: Wikidata Query Service
Example: Meret Oppenheim-Strasse
This is the most tricky Part..
- Search at for this Person.
- Note the Q-Number of the Person
Example: Q61594 for Meret Oppenheim
- Return to the Wikidata-Entry of the Street
- Click "add statement" (At the End of all Statements)
- Choose as Property: "named after"
- Add as the Value the Q-Number of the Person and choose the Name as the value
- Click "add reference"
- Choose as Property: "stated in" and as value "Streetnames Canton Basel-Stadt"
- Click "add" (to add an additional reference)
- Choose as Property: "retrieved" and as value the Date of Today eg. "13.05.2006"
- Click "publish"
Done 💪
On the OGD-Portal, the Dataset Strassennamen is the official List of all Streetnames and the meaning of there Names in the Canton Basel-Stadt.
Wikipedia has a Site Liste der Strassennamen von Basel. This List contains explanations of the Namingsources. However, it seems this List is based on a List published by the Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement from 18. October 2017.
To add more informationen about a Person on Wikidata, HLS is an excelent source. More about HLS on Wikipedia.
HLS is published under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0. See also Nutzungsbedingungen of HLS: Urheberrechte und Verwendung der HLS-Inhalte
You may use HLS to add Information on Wikidata / Wikipedia and even create a Wikipedia-article entirely based on an HLS-article.
Prix Promenade – «Frauennamen ins Strassennetz!»
- Add Statement "coordinate location" to all Streetobjects ['Innerortsstraße' 'Straßenbrücke' 'Platz' 'Bogenbrücke'] in Wikidata e.g.:
- Take a look at