A Telegram bot made in Ruby that likes to complain a lot. Training file is not included, since it contains sensitive data. Requires megahal and telegram-bot-ruby. The bot requires you to provide a training file or a pre-existing MegaHAL brain file. The training file for MegaHAL should contain sentences that begin with "I complain" or "Brief complaint", but you can personalize it and even create a happy brain that shares joy with the chat instead. Based on LucentW's agnellopio-tg.
- Install Ruby. Click here for instructions
- Install the bot's dependencies:
gem install telegram-bot-ruby megahal
- Set up the repository:
git clone https://gitlab.com/Ericchi/moaningmyrtle-tg/
- Contact BotFather on Telegram to create a new bot and get a token and a username for it
- Rename sample-config.rb into config.rb and put your token, bot username and group ID there.
Tip: if you don't know your group ID, you can launch the bot later, invite it into the group, send a message and check the terminal. - Run
and train it with a list of complaints (there's a sample complaints.txt file in the repository), then save the brain file as "brain.brn". After that, do the same thing for the dreams file and create a brain named "dreams.brn". For more info click here
Run start.sh (sh start.sh
) or use the screen command if you don't want to have the terminal occupied by the bot:
screen -S moaningmyrtle -d -m sh start.sh
Same as Linux
Launch your Ruby execution environment or your Windows subsystem for Linux, navigate to the bot's directory and execute it with sh start.sh