Manage Gnome 2.x & Mate 1.x Desktop application icons and settings.
With this module you can create, modify, and remove applications in the desktop menus. You can set system settings, deploy and set a wallpaper, and manage packages. You are able to decide if icons and settings are applied to Gnome or Mate only, or to both desktops.
This module was developed with a focus of using hiera to pass parameters to it. Still it can be used without hiera.
If you want to rollout an application icon to both desktops, use $gnomish::applications
. If it should only end up on Gnome use
, for Mate only $gnomish::mate::applications
is your friend.
The same is possible with system settings. Use $gnomish::settings_xml
for both desktops or $gnomish::gnome::settings_xml
for the given desktop.
parameter / desktop | Gnome | Mate |
gnomish::applications | X | X |
gnomish::settings_xml | X | X |
gnomish::gnome::applications | X | |
gnomish::gnome::settings_xml | X | |
gnomish::mate::applications | X | |
gnomish::mate::settings_xml | X |
This module has been tested to work on the following systems with Puppet versions 5, 6 and 7 with the Ruby version associated with those releases. This module aims to support the current and previous major Puppet versions.
- RHEL 6
- RHEL 7
- SLED 11
- SLES 11
The gnomish
class is used to configure application icons and settings that are valid for both desktops.
Besides that, you can also manage wallpaper, packages, and which file to be used to save user settings.
Specify applications icons that will be passed to the gnomish::applications defined type. For a full description please read on at the application defined type.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests, you will need to set $gnomish::applications_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
'set wallpaper':
key: '/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename'
value: 'wallpaper.png'
ensure 'absent'
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate applications settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set it to false.
- Default: true
Used to decide which desktop should be configured. Valid values are gnome and mate. Depending on this setting the module will
include the subclass gnomish::gnome
or gnomish::mate
- Default: 'gnome'
This setting allows you to define system-wide which file should be used to save user settings. With this you can completely separate the settings between desktops and even OS families to avoid spillover effects.
- Default: undef
gnomish::gconf_name: '$(HOME)/.gconf-redhat'
Name of package(s) you want to add. Use to add packages that are needed. Useful to add desktop specific packages.
- Default: []
- 'mc'
Name of package(s) you want to remove. Use to remove packages that are unwanted on a terminal server for example.
- Default: []
- 'gnome-power-manager'
Specify desktop settings that will be passed to the gnomish::gnome::gconftool_2
or gnomish::mate::mateconftool_2
types, depending on the value of $gnomish::desktop
. For a full description please read on at the
gconftool_2 or mateconftools_2 defined types.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
'set picture_options':
key: '/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options'
value: 'zoom'
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate desktop settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: true
Specify an absolute path to an image file that should be used as system default background.
- Default: undef
When set, the module will copy the file from the given source to the path defined in $gnomish::wallpaper_path
(which obviously
become mandatory then). Takes all values that are valid for the source attribute of a
file resource.
- Default: undef
gnomish::wallpaper_source: 'puppet:///files/shared/wallpaper.png'
The gnomish::gnome
class is used to configure application icons and settings that are valid for Mate desktops only. Additional
you can manage the system items menu file.
Specify applications icons that will be passed to the gnomish::applications defined type. For a full description please read on at the application defined type.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests, you will need to set $gnomish::gnome::applications_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
ensure: 'file'
entry_categories: 'System;FileManager;'
entry_exec: 'mc'
entry_icon: 'mc'
entry_name: 'Midnight Commander'
entry_terminal: false
ensure: 'absent'
The above will add a application icon for Midnight Commander in the file /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop and remove the icon for gnome-network-properties.
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate applications settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set it to false.
- Default: true
Specify desktop settings that will be passed to the gnomish::gnome::gconftool_2
defined type. For a full description please
read on at the gconftools_2 defined type.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
'set picture_options':
key: '/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options'
value: 'zoom'
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate desktop settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: true
If set to true it will activate the modification of the system items menu file in /usr/share/gnome-main-menu/system-items.xbel. The module delivers an example for SLE11 with a typical reduction useful for terminal servers.
- Default: false
Specify an absolute path to the system-items.xbel file which should get managed.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: '/usr/share/gnome-main-menu/system-items.xbel'
Specify the source of the file to be copied to $system_items_path
. Takes all values that are valid for the source attribute of a
file resource.
- Default: 'puppet:///modules/gnomish/gnome/SLE11-system-items.xbel.erb'
The gnomish::mate
class is used to configure application icons and settings that are valid for Mate desktops only.
Specify applications icons that will be passed to the gnomish::applications defined type. For a full description please read on at the application defined type.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests, you will need to set $gnomish::mate::applications_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
ensure: 'file'
entry_categories: 'System;FileManager;'
entry_exec: 'mc'
entry_icon: 'mc'
entry_name: 'Midnight Commander'
entry_terminal: false
ensure: 'absent'
The above will add a application icon for Midnight Commander in the file /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop and remove the icon for mate-network-properties.
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate applications settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set it to false.
- Default: true
Specify desktop settings that will be passed to the gnomish::mate::mateconftool_2
defined type. For a full description please
read on at the mateconftools_2 defined type.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: {}
'set picture_options':
key: '/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options'
value: 'zoom'
If set to true hiera_merge will be used to collect and concatenate desktop settings from all applicable hiera levels. If set to false only the most specific hiera data will be used.
Hint: if you want to pass parameters from manifests you will need to set $settings_xml_hiera_merge
to false.
- Default: true
The gnomish::application
definition is used to manage application icons on both desktops, Gnome and Mate.
The minimum set of entries for application icons (Name, Icon, Exec, Categories, Type and Terminal) have to be set with the corresponding
parameters. All others entries can be managed as an array of free text lines via the $entry_lines
parameter. The module will ensure
that there are no duplicate entries and fail if found one.
When applications get added or removed, it will call update-desktop-database. This will update the cache database of MIME types handled by desktop files.
Instead of calling this define directly, it is recommended to specify $gnomish::applications
, $gnomish::gnome::applications
from hiera as a hash of group resources. create_resources will create resources out of your hash.
ensure: 'file'
entry_categories: 'System;FileManager;'
entry_exec: 'mc'
entry_icon: 'mc'
entry_name: 'Midnight Commander'
entry_terminal: false
ensure: 'absent'
ensure: 'absent'
The above will add a application icon for Midnight Commander in the file /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop on both desktops. Only on Gnome it will remove the icon for gnome-network-properties and only on Mate the equivalent called mate-network-properties.
This setting can be used to add or remove application icons. Valid values are file and absent. Use the default of file to
add/manage them or set it to absent to remove them. If set to absent $entry_categories
, $entry_exec
and $entry_icon
unused and optional.
- Default: 'file'
Specify an absolute path to the desktop file containing the application icon. If not explicitly set, '/usr/share/applications/' plus the resource title you have chosen while calling the defined type plus '.desktop' will be used.
- Default: "/usr/share/applications/${title}.desktop"
Specify the application icons Categories entry.
Hint: becomes optional and unused when $ensure
is set to absent.
- Default: undef
Specify the application icons Exec entry.
Hint: becomes optional and unused when $ensure
is set to absent.
- Default: undef
Specify the application icons Icon entry.
Hint: becomes optional and unused when $ensure
is set to absent.
- Default: undef
You can add additional and free text entries line by line with this array. If your input includes one of the other named entries the defined type will fail to avoid double entries to appear.
- Default: []
Specify the application icons Name entry. If not explicitly set, the resource title you have chosen while calling the defined type will be used.
- Default: $title
Specify the application icons Terminal entry. Valid values are false and true.
- Default: false
Specify the application icons Type entry.
- Default: 'Application'
Specify the mime types supported by the application.
- Default: undef
Both defined types are used to configure Gnome or Mate system settings utilizing gconftool-2 or mateconftool-2. Up to now they have the same functionality and share the parameters names.
Instead of calling these defines directly, it is recommended to specify $gnomish::settings_xml
, $gnomish::gnome::settings_xml
or $gnomish::mate::settings_xml
from hiera as a hash of group resources. create_resources will create resources out of your hash.
value: 'wallpaper.png'
'set GTK theme':
key: '/desktop/mate/interface/gtk_theme'
value: 'Theme'
config: 'mandatory'
'set GTK theme':
key: '/desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme'
value: 'Theme'
config: 'mandatory'
The above will set a wallpaper for both desktops and change the GTK theme with the respectively key for the different desktops.
Used to pass the content of the setting you want to change.
- Default: undef
You can specify which configuration source should get managed. For convenient usage, it allows to use defaults and mandatory as acronyms for /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults and /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory. If you want to specify another configuration source, please specify the complete absolute path for it.
- Default: 'defaults'
To specify which key you want to manage. If not explicitly set, it will use the resource title you have chosen while calling the defined type. See the example above for an example of both ways to pass the key name.
- Default: $title
The default of auto will analyze and use the data type you have used when specifying $value
. You can override this by setting type
to one of the other valid values of bool, int, float or string.
- Default: 'auto'
- 1.3.1 Allow empty values for $value in gconftool-2 and mateconftool-2
- 1.3.0 Support Puppet 8, remove support for Puppet v6 and older
- 1.2.1 Support Puppet 6
- 1.2.0 Support Puppet 5
- 1.1.1 Support Puppet up to 4.9
- 1.1.0 Feature requests:
- Add explicit support for MimeType(s) in application metadata
- Use $::path in exec resources
- Start supporting and testing on Ruby 2.3.1
- 1.0.4 enhance type detection and value conversation
- Stringified booleans, integers, and floats in $value are now detected precisely if type is not manually set
- Stringified booleans, integers, and floats in $value are now correctly converted to strings
- Fix links in docs, add changelog section
- 1.0.3 Enhance spelling in docs
- 1.0.2 Add tags in metadata
- 1.0.1 Fix supported Puppet versions in metadata
- 1.0.0 Initial release