The second-order semidiscrete central-upwind scheme is used to model compressible flow systems.
The equations governing the flow are the equation of mass conservation, energy conservation
and the compressible Euler Equations.
An OpenMP parallelized numerical framework written in C++, controlled through simple Python scripts
by the use of pybind11, is in use to implement the semidiscrete central-upwind scheme. The implementation
is tested through a number of classic examples with known solutions.
The current form of the code is only featured for uniform, quadrilateral cells, with zero gradient
boundary conditions.
Clone the GitHub repository
git clone
Create the shared library
To run the simulation, excecute with appropriate variables
./ var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6
var1: number of mesh cells
var2: dx, the size of each finite volume mesh cell
var3: dt, the size of a single time step
var4: the number of time steps for the simulation
var5: save frequency
An example for 200x200 mesh, with dx = 0.0025, dt = 0.000025, numIterations = 125000, save frequency = 20
./ 200 0.0025 0.000025 125000 20
View the latest data with an interactive 3D plot
make plotLastest
Save density charts (distribution, surface plot, contour plot) for all the data saved
make saveAll
All the saved data is stored in the ./data/ directory and images in the ./data/img/. To change the location of the saved data, make appropriate changes to ./bin/
[1] Alexander Kurganov; Eitan Tadmor (2002). Solution of two-dimensional Riemann problems for gas dynamics
without Riemann problem solvers. , 18(5), 584–608.
[2] Kurganov, Alexander; Noelle, Sebastian; Petrova, Guergana (2001). Semidiscrete Central-Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Hamilton--Jacobi Equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing., 23(3), 707–740.