You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 4
Great, you've successfully installed CatCore using the instructions found here, but now you're wondering what each and every setting in the webportal actually means? Wonder no more, this page will try to explain what each option does and how to actually configure everything.
So, you ended up on the webportal page because it automagically opened (or you nagivated to http://localhost:8338/) for the very first time and are greeted with a page like the one below.
First thing that you want to do is actually logging in with your Twitch account. CatCore is a library that does the heavy-lifting for other mods after all, and will need your account to properly function. By pressing the "Login on Twitch" button, you'll be redirected to a page that looks like this one.
Having pressed that button, you'll now be shown a Twitch-owned page that will show you which permission scopes that CatCore wants to request. This doesn't mean that it will effectively use those out-of-the-box though, it just enables other modders to develop interactive mods that leverage those features/permissions. To continue, press the purple "Authorize" button at the bottom of the page. After having pressed said button, you'll be redirected to the webportal again.
Now that we're authorized, we can now already see that our own channel got automatically added to the list of channels. If that's all you wanted, which will most likely be the case, then we're done here. However, there's still some more things that you can configure if you want.
CatCore allows you to add 7 additional channels, other than your own. This allows you to listen in to their chat for example, however... it is sadly not without restrictions, as is indicated in the block below.
⚠️ Important info/Limitation
Due to restrictions from the Twitch side of things (which I don't always agree with for the record), not all features will be available for those additional channels regardless of whether you've moderator permissions on them or not. This is mainly the case for Helix API calls and some of the PubSub events (Eg: Channel Point redemptions)
Anyways... with that warning out-of-the-way. Let's get to actually starting another channel using an actual example.
Let's say we want to add the Twitch channel of Pink (their full Twitch handle is "moddingpink").
The recommended way is to type in the full handle in the searchbar, if there still happens to be more than one result, then the full match will be the very first one.
To actually add the channel you want, just click on the right one from the list. If you did well, the page should look like this now.
ℹ️ Hint
If you accidentally added a wrong channel, you can easily remove a channel again by clicking the bin icon to the right of the channel.
Every time you add or remove an additional channel, you'll have to confirm your changes. This can be done by hitting the save button at the bottom of the page.
A less than ideal way, but still feasible way of adding channels is by writing down a part of their channel name.
For example, if I want to add GianniKoch's channel, but wasn't sure about their full handle, then I could try typing "giannik" in the searchbar and it will give a list of results. In this case, the channel we wanted to add was the third one, so we can click on that one.
To comfirm our addition of their channel, we press the save button once again and we're done here.
The CatCore webportal allows you to configure some more options by toggling some switches. Some options are limited to a specific streaming platform while some others are applicable across all streaming platforms (once CatCore supports more platforms) or are targetted to the internals of CatCore. Below a list of options, with an explanation of what each of them actually encompasses.
Parse BTTV Emotes
Enabling this option, will make CatCore parse 3rd-party BTTV (Better Twitch TV) emotes in chat messages. This includes both the global emotes as well as channel-specific emotes -
Parse FFZ Emotes
Enabling this option, will make CatCore parse 3rd-party FFZ (FrankerFaceZ) emotes in chat messages. This includes both the global emotes as well as channel-specific emotes -
Parse Twitch Emotes
Enabling this option, will make CatCore parse the built-in Twitch emotes in chat messages. -
Parse Cheermotes
Enabling this option, will make CatCore parse emotes that twitch shows when someone cheers.
Parse Emotes
Enabling this option, will make CatCore parse Unicode emotes. (You know... those generic smiley faces 😸, as well as flags)
CatCore currently supports all 3624 Unicode 14 emotes. - Launch Web Portal on startup Enabling this option will make CatCore launch the website on which you can configure all these options upon initial activation.
⚠️ Warning
Launch internal API on startup
You generally want to keep this option enabled, disabling this option will prevent you from accessing the webportal by simply navigating to it using your browser, and will instead require you the launch it programmatically.