Discord bot written for my own server.
I'll keep adding functionalities when I have the time and resources
Functionalities so far (PREFIX symbol needs to appended in front of the command):
Fetches cafeteria lunch menus at my campusmarco
I bet you know what the bot will answer to this onepizza {amount}
Randomizes the amount of pizza toppings you wantgif {searchword(s)}
Fetches a random GIF from Giphy.com with the provided searchword, if searchword is omitted, gets a completely random GIF. Can have multiple searchwords, just separate with spaces.
- This bot requires that you have Node.js installed on your computer or on your server
Clone the repository, navigate to root directory of the repo.
Create config.json
file and paste this template to it:
Replace the {TOKEN}
with an API token the Discord and Giphy.com Developer Portals provide you with.
Change {PREFIX} to the prefix you want your commands to be preceded with, for example
"!" or "~"
Set {CHANNELID} to the channel that you want the automated lunch menus posted to. Make sure bots have permissions to post to that text channel !
Then, open command line and type:
npm install
After this, you should be able to run the app from the command line with the command
node ErgoBot.js
You can use Forever.js to make the bot run without being logged in. Just install it on your server with
npm install -g forever
and then navigate to root folder of the repo and run
forever start ErgoBot.js
You can change the randomized pizza toppings from utils/pizzaToppings.json
I am planning to add functionality to add different toppings from discord, but
it's not implemented yet.